Chapter One

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"You don't even know me, or what I am capable of, boy."
― S.R. Crawford

. . .

Celestia Helena Zabini walked down the Hogwarts express, happiness flowing off of her in waves. She was made the new Slytherin 5th Year Prefect! She would finally have power over her Nemesis, Zarina Ivy Lestrange.

Celestia stepped into the prefects carriage, Draco Malfoy, right behind her.

The prefect's carriage was wonderful! It had thirteen separate compartments, two seats in each. three were a bright emerald green, Three were a Scarlet Red, three were a dazzling Royal Blue and three were a bright Yellow.

The last compartment was a plain black with silver wings.

As Celestia stepped forward, she saw that it was more of a circle. Each Quarter was one colour, and the black area was a kind of dome, so the inside wasn't visible. She reducioed her trunk, and her owl, Merlin's, cage, and put them in her pocket.

She led Draco towards the Emerald Green area, and the first Compartment was labelled '5th Year Slytherin Prefects.'

The two sat down, making themselves comfortable. A foot away from Celestia, was the Ravenclaw compartments. Only a wall separated them.

The door to the compartment opened again, and in walked Terry Boot, who waved amicably at Celestia, and after her, shattering all of Celestia dreams of this year, stepped in Zarina Lestrange.

Zarina walked over, and to Celestia's Horror, sat right next to Celestia, only the wall acting as a gap between them.

Celestia ignored Zarina, instead choosing to look around the carriage. She didn't recognise the 6th and 7th Year Ravenclaws, except the 6th Year Prefect, Cho Chang. She didn't know any of the Hufflepuff Prefects either. The 5th years were Neville and Susan Bones.

She looked to the Gryffindors, and Spotted Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. She waved at them, and they smiled back.

"Did you just wave at Potter?" A voice next to her asked.

"Yes, Draco. I did. And you should leave your stupid feud now, you've been at it for years."

"Says you." Draco says, raising his eyebrows at the wall behind her, and Celestia scoffed at him and muttered, "Shut up."

She didn't know the Other Gryffindors, so She looked at the Slytherins. 

Madelaine Yaxley and Bernard Abbott were the 6th Year prefects, and Mia Nott and Arcturus Carrow, were the 7th. She, of course, knew them. They were the 5th and 6th year prefects last year.

A few minutes later, the Gryffindor Male prefect and Mia Nott got up, walking over to the black area. They nodded at each other, and shook hands.

Mia turned around, waving her wand, and the Black dome seemed to turn into a rectangle, and then went completely invisible, as if it didn't exist.

"Hello, Prefects" She started, her strong voice carrying throughout the carriage. "You may notice that we have some new ones in here. Please, 5th year prefects, introduce yourselves. Hufflepuff, you may start."

The Hufflepuff Boy got up. "Leonardo Dark." and the girl was Liana Miestro.

Once Harry and Hermione had introduced themselves, The Head Boy, gestured to the ravenclaws and the two got up. "Terry Boot." He said, nervously and was immediately followed by a strong but sugary, "Zarina Lestrange."

When Mia indicated at the Slytherins Draco got up, and said "It's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Celestia rolled her eyes at him. 'No.' She thought. 'it's Bond. James Bond.' 

"Celestia Zabini." Her sweet voice, much like Zarina's, carried across the carriage.

"Well," Mia clasped her hands. "Im Mia Nott, Head Girl, and this is Benjamin Macmillan, The Head Boy. We look forward to working with all of you. Now, let's get down to work."

. . .

They had decided the shift and Zarina and Celestia were glaring at each other. They had been given the patrol of the Dungeons on Tuesday nights, and The Patrol of Fifth floor, on Friday Nights.

"Well, We will be conducting meeting, Every Sunday, at noon, in the first classroom on the sixth floor. Please inform your house royalties about this, they must be there as well."

Celestia knew they House Royalties.

Angelina Johnson and Victor Frobisher were the Queen and King, and Harry and Hermione were the Prince and Princess respectively for Gryffindor.

Ravenclaw, had Ignatia Fancourt as the Queen, Lorcan Davies as the King, Anthony Goldstein as the Prince, and to her extreme sadness, Zarina Lestrange as the Princess.

Hufflepuff, Until last year, The King was Cedric Diggory and Queen was Fleur Marian, but both had graduated, so the new King was Neville and Queen was Susan. The Prince and Princess had to be yet made.

Similarly, The Slytherin King and Queen had graduated, hence, Mia became the Queen and Arcturus became the King. The Prince and Princess, much like Hufflepuff, were yet to be made.

Zarina slipped away from the compartment, hurrying to the Ravenclaw carriages as soon as the meeting was over, Terry and Cho following. She slammed the door of the compartment open, and Luna Jumped, startled. (Luna and Ginny are in their year.)

She watched Hermione and Harry go past, talking.

Hermione opened the compartment to the Gryffindors' gently, Ginny and Ron's heads snapping up to theirs'. 

"Well?" Ginny asked, as they sat down. "Who are the prefects?"

"Well for fifth year, Hufflepuff Prefects are Neville and Susan Bones." Harry said, placing his head on Ginny's lap. "Ravenclaw is Terry Boot and Zarina Lestrange."

"Slytherin is Malfoy" Hermione said, and Ron interuptted with an 'EW!' "and the other is Celestia."

"Well tell her to control Malfoy." Ginny Sighed.

"Mmhm." Harry Nodded. "I'll talk to her."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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