Chapter Four

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Can knew that Beni would not rest until he had gotten out his camera and started explaining the process. But he always helped Sanem with the dinner preparations, it was just something they always did together, and he didn't want this evening to be any different. His wife had grown in so many ways since they had returned from Peru with the two boys. But cooking had always been a harder task for her to master, not that she didn't give it her full attention and expect more from herself than she should. So Can made sure he was there to help, but of course he didn't want her to think she was incapable, so he always followed her lead.

 Mothering had seemed to come so naturally to her, she accepted it completely, loving every minute of it. Then when the triplets arrived, she refused any kind of hired help, assuring him and her family that she could do this on her own. And Can could not have been more proud as he watched her love and care for all the beautiful babies that they had been given. His heart was full of the deepest love that a man could have for a woman, a woman that had given him so much. 

This was the time of the day that brought this house into a full range of hysteria. The triplets had woke from their naps and wanted everyone's attention, but they were satisfied with just having Beni to entertain them while Can and Sanem started dinner. " How does mac & cheese sound tonight, then we can add some veggies on the side. They always love that and it quick and easy."  Can said as he sat the pot on the stovetop. Sanem agreed, " Sounds good, but you haven't told me how the trip to school was this morning." She whispered, to avoid a set of little ears overhearing. Can smiled, " Well, our little guy was quite sly about it. He didn't ask anything about it, he just told me, " I know that was just grownup stuff, am I right."  I could barely keep from laughing out loud." He replied. 

He reached for her, pulling her as close to him as possible, " But I didn't forget about his morning, did you?"  He spoke, his voice low and sultry as he leaned in taking a whiff of her smell from her neck. She closed her eyes, letting that feel of his breath on her skin ignite the leftover fire from that morning. She could feel that tingle, that gnawing, that flame that only he could stir inside her. Her body went limp as he tightened his hold in her, " Can, the kids, they might see us." She spoke, when she could finally find her voice. " Ok, you're right, but don't think I'm going to forget about this, and I hope you don't either." His voice full of demand. She sighed, " Not hardly my dear, don't worry, I haven't thought about anything else since this morning."  She answered, as she looked into his eyes, sending a wave of desire through his body.

At that very moment her life was perfect. She couldn't have predicted anything better for her life than this. Her heart was full, she was loved by the most wonderful man and they had been blessed with special and beautiful children. What more could she possibly want? Nothing.....she thought. Nothing more than to feel the  touch from this man, to feel his lips on hers, that was enough..

 The squealing laughter of the children from the other room brought them back to the present, as they released that hold they had on each other and went about preparing dinner. With the table set and the food on the plates, they all sat down together to eat. " Where is Luis?" Beni asked, as he shoveled the Mac & Cheese into his mouth. Sanem gave him that look, letting him know that she didn't thing that was proper dinner manners. Beni looked down, " Sorry, I was talking with my mouth full." He replied. Can cleared his throat, " Luis is at football practice and will be home shortly." He answered. " So Beni, you want to learn to use the camera, what would you like to take pictures of."  Beni looked thoughtfully for a minute, " Well....I think people. I like people, and I like to look at people, so that's what I think. Didn't you take pictures of people Dad?" He asked. 

Can raised his eyebrows, glancing at his son, " Yes I did, but not just any people. They were people that were existing in bad situations. Some didn't have homes, or food to eat. So I took their pictures so other people that had a warm home and lots of food to eat would want to help these people that didn't."  Beni looked down at his plate, letting his Dads words sink in. " Do we help, we have a really big house and we always have food to eat.? The young boy asked, shifting his eyes from his mother to his father. Sanem smiled, " Yes Beni, we do. Your Dad has always made sure of that." She replied, her heart full of love for her son. 

Sanem wiped Ece, Miray and Rusland down, cleaning them up from their dinner. They seemed to have more food on them, then what actually made it into the stomachs. Then she snuggled them together On the sofa, putting in one of their favorites movies for them to watch as she cleaned the kitchen. Can and Beni had hurried off to the back garden with the camera to begin the first of many, many after dinner lessons. She watched out the back window as Can went over every aspect of the camera and the proper way to clean and handle the machine. Beni listened intently and seriously, not about to disappoint his Dad.

This first lesson lasted longer than expected, with Beni asking a billion questions, but his enthusiasm for it all was overwhelming. Luis had made it home, ate his dinner and shut himself up in his room to do his homework.  Sanem and already bathed the babies and had them ready for bed by the time they had came in from the garden. " I'm sorry babe, I was going to help. You should have called me. But Beni was full of questions." He chuckled, shaking his head. He cornered her up against the fridge, his hands touching and feeling every part of her body all at one time it seemed. She sucked in her breath, " Can, lets wait until the kids are in bed."  He ignored her plea at first, finding her lips and playfully nibbling and sucking on her bottom lip. He wanted to do more, he was ready to continue where they had left off earlier that day, but he knew she was right, so he reluctantly released the hold he had on her. 

" The babies are waiting on you to tuck them in, then Beni." He shook his head, " Ok, where is Luis, I need to speak with him to.?" He spoke, as they started up the stairs. Sanem stopped, looking at him, " If it is about that motorbike, we haven't talked about that yet. So don't give him any ideas about it." She announced, in her most firm and opposing voice.

Can nodded slowly, " Ok, I know we haven't discussed it yet, but he is going to want to know. 

And there it was, she knew she had already lost this battle before it even began....Can had all but accepted the thought of him having the motorbike. Maybe she was being unreasonable, to afraid that he may get hurt.....But she was. She closed her eyes, letting her nerves calm down. She felt him touch he cheek, ...." Sanem, he will be fine. He will take his learning class and wear the proper gear, ..and he will be fine." He told her, his voice so calm and relaxing.

She opened her eyes and looked into the face of this man that she loved more than anything.

 "Well he better be Mr. Can, or you will have me to answer to." She said, with a voice just as calm and relaxing as his....

He smiled, he loved it when she was just a little upset with him before they went to bed.....

It always made for a special night.....

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