Chapter Sixteen

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A few more days had passed before they finally received an answer to their request for a meeting. Can had just stepped out the shower and was drying off when his phone rang. Sanem was already downstairs busy with breakfast so he wrapped the towel around himself and hurried into the bedroom to answer. 

His heart stopped when he saw it was Mr. Faruk that was calling. He grabbed the phone and answered quickly, " Mr. Faruk, I hope you have good news this time." Can announced. Mr. Faruk knew how badly the Divit family wanted to rid themselves of Mr. Chavez and the claims that he had brought, so he was happy to be able to tell him his news. " Mr. Can, good morning. Sorry to call so early, but I knew you would want to hear this as soon as possible. We have an OK for a meeting, but it's just with Mr. Chavez's attorney, at least for this time."  

Cans body felt limp, almost like he needed to sit down, but he took a deep breath and expelled to forcefully. " Good, finally, maybe we can get somewhere now." He said, wishing his Dad was there to hear the news. Can tried to collect himself, " Ok when? I hope it's soon, I'm ready to get this over." Can ordered with anticipation.

Mr. Faruk was quick to come back with his answer, " Well Can, they want to meet this afternoon. It seems that Mr Chavez is only allowed here in the country for a limited amount of time so they want to get this over with." Can laughed, " So why have they been dragging their feet for so long, we have asked several times to meet and they have refused." Can blared, feeling his blood pressure rise. Faruk answered, " It was just a strategy I think, just to see how desperate you were."  Can rubbed his face with his hand, " Ok what time, we are meeting in your office aren't we?" He asked. " Yes, my office at 1:30. And Can, please keep your temper under control. That's the one thing they can use against you." He said, hoping that Can would listen to him.

" Ok, my Dad will be with me, is that ok? Can asked, knowing there was know way he could make it through this without him. 

Aziz was shocked at how quickly they wanted the meeting, " Well that's typical, they ignore us for weeks and then they spring a surprise meeting on us. That's ok, we can handle it." Aziz replied. All the different scenarios were already running though his mind, but quickly removed all the negative thing that could happen. He knew his son, and he knew he would have to be the one to keep his head. " Ok son, I will be at the agency by 12:00, that will give us time to go over what we are going to offer this man. Ok?" Aziz told him, hoping that they both had the strength to get through this.

Can agreed, " Ok Dad,...and thank you for standing with me on this."  The sound of the children from then hallway made him look around at the door. The door swung open and Ruslan and Miray cam running in, " Daddy, Daddy. Momma said the breakfast is ready. Come on it's time to eat." They chimed, their voices sounding so sweet as they talked in unison. Can smiled and wrapped his huge arms around their tiny bodies as they squealed with delight. He swung them around a few times, just enough to get them dizzy, then put them back on the floor. They weaved back and forth for a second but Can held onto them until they had steadied themselves. They both giggled, reaching for him again, " Do it some more Daddy, please." They begged, but Can shooed them out the door, " Come on my babies, go downstairs to breakfast and tell Mommie that I'm on my way." 

They scampered off down the hallway as Can watched. His heart was so torn, and it hurt so bad that the things that should make him the most happy seemed to be shadowed by this terrible turn of events. But he was determined to keep this family intact, he had to. The thoughts of what this may do to Sanem had made him physically sick, but he refused to let those thoughts linger in his mind. He quickly dressed and headed down to breakfast. He could hear the chatter from the children as he got closer to the kitchen, as Beni was trying desperately to convince Luis to let him take pictures of him and his football team in their full uniforms, for his scrapbook. Luis was trying to humor him, " Abi, you are just a little kid, what makes you think our team would let you take our pictures. Maybe when you are as famous as Dad,..then maybe I would think about it." The oldest Divit child declared, as if his football team was already a pro team.

The conversation made Sanem laugh, but she kept that laugh to herself as she turned to Luis,            " Well, your brother may not want to take your picture later on, you know, when he is a famous as your Dad. So a picture now may be your best bet." She explained, raising her eyebrows. Luis hung his head, " Ok squirt, I guess you can, that is I can talk the guys into it. But don't act stupid or silly when they come, and don't embarrass me." He ordered, glaring at him across the table.

Can walked into the kitchen with a smile, " Good morning kids, and good morning Mom." He said, as he stepped up behind Sanem, giving her a kiss on top of her head. That made the triplets giggle, " Do it again Daddy, do it again."They chanted. Sanem waved her hand at them, as if to shush them, " Stop it you three." She told them, but Can had already accepted the challenge and tightened his hold on his wife, giving her a dozen or more kisses that started on top of her head and traveled down to her cheek. The triplets clapped their hands together and giggled at the sight, but the two older boys only shook their heads and looked away. 

Sanem pushed Can away, " Hey, sit down and eat your breakfast, or you maybe wearing it." She said, giving his a wink. Can took his place at the table, turning and looking at Beni, " So you are taking pictures of your brothers football team I hear."  He remarked. Beni smiled, " Yes, Luis said I could. If the other guys say it's ok. I will take some good pictures to put in my scrapbook." He said with a smile. Can looked at Luis and he could see that he wasn't as excited about the whole thing as his little brother was. " Luis, you should feel proud that your younger brother wants pictures of your team in his special book. That book may be worth a lot one day. So maybe you could be a little happier about it." Can said, eyeing his son from across the table. Luis shook his head, " Ok Dad,... sorry Beni, we will be happy for you to take our pictures." He replied, giving his brother a smile...

With the breakfast table cleared and the triplets busy with coloring in the living room, it was time to get Beni and school and on to the office. Can watched as Sanem hurried around taking care of the kitchen. 

He knew the meeting that he would have that afternoon would make or break his world. It would be the most important meeting of his life.....He reached out and grabbed her arm as she walked by, pulling her down in his lap....

This was the one day that he needed the feel of her skin and the smell of her perfume more than any other day.......He needed her to calm his heart.....

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