chapter 12 emma's pov:

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"Holy sh*t we saw the exorcism happen we saw him get dragged into hell." I said to mangle and foxy as balloon boys spirit lifted from the ground. Foxy and mangle formed a barrier around me facing bb and something magical happened mangle and foxy became (Awesome scene coming up!!!) The ultimate animatronic "fangle" now had two heads four arms four legs and two hooks but the scariest thing you would see when looking at this was the fury and hatred in their eyes. Even bb looked scared but still confident. He ran to his body and it reformed before our very eyes he hopped inside and was bb once more. (At this point all the other Animatronics were there) all the other animatronics stared at fangle and joined hands like they did and let me tell you it was scary seeing these things combined and what was worse was the old withered parts sticking out of the combined animatronics
They all formed a barrier around me and all fused together. Then in one low rumbling voice they yelled "DON'T MESS WITH THE LEAGUE OF ANIMATRONICS!!!!!" And all charged bb. This was truly horrifying because once they got hold of bb they walked outside and threw him into space. I heard his screams dying away and the animatronics turned on me and I was kind of scared because they still had that look in their eyes but once they looked at me they softened up a bit and fell apart only to the two combinde . then they fell apart completely and all walked over to me. The only two that approached me and actually came within touching distance were foxy and mangle the rest stayed back and looked around the place. I said thank you to everyone and started to all home but foxy stopped me and said "let me take you home it's too dark out." "Okay" I said it's been a while since he's taken me home. He picked me up and me foxy and mangle walked to my house foxy and mangle a little behind me because they wanted to talk for a minute alone. Someone popped up I front of me and said "give me all your money." I said "do you really want to mess with me?" As foxy and mangle walked closer to me as I said this. The guy took one look at my friends and ran off. "Yeah you better run!" I said. We walked the rest of the way to my house and knocked on the door. My mom opened the door and looked at foxy and mangle."um what are they doing here?" She said a edge of fear in hr voice. "Don't worry mom they're harmless." I said as she started to tug on my arm. She walked over to them and said "hello my name is Scarlett." "My name is.." Foxy started to say before my mom stopped him and said "I know who you are your name is foxy right?" "Yes mam it is." He said shaking her hand. "Who are you?" She said looking at mangle. "My name was kawaii but I got torn apart but he" she said looking at foxy "rebuilt my suit and my name still remains mangle because that's what people Call me." She said. "Wow my three favorite people are getting along foxy mangle and my mom." Foxy and mangle and my mom all smiled at me. "Well have a good night stay safe okay Emma?" "Okay foxy" I said. My mom walked me inside I got a glimpse of foxy and mangle running down the road back to the pizzaria. "So that "foxy" guy is really harmless ?" "Yes mom they are harmless." I said to her. "Well get showered and get to bed okay? You got school tomorrow." "Okay mom good night." I walked up and got showered got into my pj's and hopped Into bed and the last thing I thought before I fell asleep was foxy and mangle they really liked each other.

(Hey everyone it's me and I want to tell you that I am going to post a chapter about Emma at school but a little surprise comes to school okay okay . that's all for today stay awesome.)

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