Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, Failure, I failed Mangle. I failed. I failedI failedI failedI failedI failed. STOP!!! Foxy jerked awake and sat straight upwards. w-what? Where am I? He put his hand down to help himself up and noticed something solid beneath him. He looked down and saw.... Himself... What? He looked around and noticed that he was sitting in the same place that he died in. He stumbled backward and into the television set, making it start to static. A handprint showed up on the television screen, his handprint... Whaaaa? He looked over and saw mangle looking at the TV. Mangle cocked her head "a hand print? What?" She came towards it. He thought quick and wrote a quick message in the TV, I am still here. I always will be, Foxy. She smiled at the tv then looked around in ecstasy "I knew you wouldn't leave me!" She broke down in tears and stared at the tv, thinking. She walked over to it and hesitantly put a paw on it, Foxy saw this and put his paw over hers, making a static shadow of his hand appearing to grip hers. She smiled sadly and looked almost directly at him, "I love you, and I miss you. I don't ever want to be without you." As she said that a part of Foxy's body shimmered, and he saw the start of a hand come out of it, the spirit inside him rejoiced! He was finally free! Free to leave and move on in peace! Foxy smiled as the shimmering form of a child left his body. The spirit turned to face him, smiled, and said, "it's time to go matey" Foxy reached out and almost touched the spirit, then pulled back. "Who are you?" He asked, looking down at the floor. The spirit smiled at him, "well I'm a pirate that's who I am!" He said while letting out a laugh, he spun around and trotted down the hallway without a care in the world.