Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Want to eat? Just not for you!

    Lin Laosan and his wife suffered a serious mental shock. At this moment, their brains were buzzing, and they only felt that the room was spinning, and they couldn't tell whether it was a reality or a nightmare.

    The two of them couldn't believe it. This "ginseng" was brought back from the mountain by their own Aibo, and it seemed to be similar to what they saw in the commune purchase station before. How could it be mediocre? What about the odd old tree roots?

    This is what their Aibao brought back. It is the Aibao who is favored by God and can pick up Yuan Datou from the ground after a fall!

    How, how is it an old tree root.

    This, this... God wouldn't have changed his temper, and wanted to take back the preference he gave to Aibo before? Also, or is it that the doctor is taking a wrong look, in fact, they actually have ginseng in their hands?

    Before waiting for the young couple Lin to do anything, Lin Shanhai's heavy footsteps sounded outside the house. He ran to the door three times and two times, and opened the door with a bang. He was carrying the ginseng that he had planted in his hands. Well, whoever is real and who is fake will be judged.

    The old tree roots that Lin Lao San and his wife kept in the box like precious treasures would be stumbling and bumpy.

    As for Shiqi's ginseng, it grew up in Shiqi's immortal mansion full of spiritual energy. Even if Shiqi is playful and rarely cared for, it is still thriving, with perfect posture and abundant spiritual energy. An ordinary person who is no more than a layman can see its extraordinaryness at a glance.

    At the moment, the heavy air in the room became lighter, and the big guys showed relieved smiles on their faces, except for the old couple Lin, who were still immersed in the huge blow and couldn't extricate themselves.

    The precious little girl has such a good thing to replenish her vitality, Yan Qiu is really relieved, and she is in the mood to pay attention to other people in the room. Seeing the two lost souls and dumbfounded appearances, she frowned and said angrily:

    "Okay, okay! Look at the way you two look, you didn't make a mistake on purpose. You will gain wisdom after a loss. Don't make this kind of confusion next time."

    Although her tone was still vicious, she really did not pursue it. The meaning of these two.

    She can probably guess why Lin Laosan and his wife treat an old tree root as a treasure. They all live under the same roof. Who can hide it from the other, Yan Qiu can figure it out with a little thought. Eighty percent of this has something to do with Lin Aibao.

    Aibao, the daughter of the Sanfang family, has a lot of luck. She gets a lot of good things back every weekdays. Others don’t have such good luck as her. This old tree root is 80% brought back by the child, and the child can tell what kind of tree root And ginseng, and the three families and the couple are also used to the good luck of the daughter. Since the daughter said that it is ginseng, they believe it, and they want to take it out to save their lives.

    In fact, let alone the old couple Lin, even she was convinced of the authenticity of this ginseng before she heard the barefoot doctor identify it.

    She thought so in her heart, she couldn't help but said a few more words: "This child Aibao has some luck, but luck is given by God, who can control God? The two of you will have more hearts in the future. Son."

    Yan Qiu was in a good mood at the moment, and didn't plan to bother with these two people, so the words were not serious. It happened that at this time, Zhang Hongxiu, the eldest daughter-in-law of Lin, came into the house with a bowl of brown sugar eggs. There were three whole eggs lying in the sugar water, and it was very greedy at first sight. Lin Lao San and his wife were standing in the open space directly opposite the door, and the situation in the bowl was naturally clear.

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