Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Shi Qi is the King of Children!

    After thinking of a way, Shi Qi was ready to take the silly roe deer down the mountain. She walked in front, and a dozen silly roe deer hula hula all behind her, all of them fluttering their tails, and Lin Mu felt itchy. .

    Lin Mu didn't know that these group of silly roe deer would not attack people, he frowned, followed Shi Qi vigilantly and nervously, stared at the bunch of silly roe deer behind him, and was both afraid and curious in his heart.

    Why is this strange beast different from what the old people said, not attacking people? He's still naive, and he gathered all the leaves in a handful of leaves. At first glance, he felt that this beast was not very smart. It shouldn't be very tasty. Even Shi Qi's little aunt can catch so much at one time. It's so easy to catch. He hasn't seen anyone catch meat for so many years, so it must be hard to eat.

    But little aunt Shiqi likes it, so take it home and see it first. If it's a big deal, let Grandpa kill it. In winter, burying the meat in the snow is not afraid of it being bad.

    Anyway, he just didn't think about linking these silly roe deer with the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva.

    After walking down the mountain for a while, the trees gradually became sparser, and some people started to notice the movement on Shiqi's side and came over here.

    In winter, farming is slack and there are few things to do in the fields, but this does not mean that the villagers have nothing else to do. They are responsible for the firewood throughout the winter, simply repairing and repairing furniture, and weaving some straw mats to put the grass on the roof last year. The pads were replaced to prevent the roof from leaking during the rainy season this year. They all had to go up the mountain to find materials. Shi Qi and Lin Mu brought such a large group of silly roe deer down from the mountain, so they were naturally bumped into by many people. They came over to see what was going on. .

    Seeing such a large group of silly roe deer, their eyes turned green, and they jumped up after copying the guy.

    The little koi was not happy right away.

    What are you doing? Didn't you see that these silly roe deer were brought by her? Still going up? Want to steal something from a kid?

    Therefore, directly use coercion to order the group of silly roe deer to run fast. Although the silly roe deer is a bit stupid, but it can survive in nature, the four legs are naturally not simple, and they will walk away without waiting for the villagers to enter. The four legs ran fast, even if the peasants tried their best to chase after them, they didn't catch up with one, and they all ran away without a trace.

    Of course, they didn't run too far, they were still within the range of Shi Qi's consciousness, and Shi Qi could call them all back with a single thought.

    But the little koi is not happy, the little koi should take the credit alone and not give it to others.

    The little koi wanted everyone to know that these silly roe deer didn't resist because of her.

    So she quietly grabbed the hem of Lin Mu's clothes and flattened her mouth appropriately.

    Lin Mu was originally stunned by the sudden speed of the group of silly roe deer, but after being pulled by Shi Qi like this, he suddenly came to his senses. He looked at the adults in front of him, and then looked at the empty side and the aggrieved little aunt. , the anger suddenly rose.

    "You scared all the beasts away! You pay! Those beasts were brought back by my little aunt and I with great difficulty, and they all scared you away! Pay! You must pay! Otherwise, I will tell my grandparents. Go!"

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