Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Welcome to the College Entrance Examination

    No matter whether Wu Shengfei was aggrieved or not, Lin Gou finally won the duel anyway. Wu Shengfei has become a lot more honest since then. At least he won't be as loud as before to prevent Zhang Shengnan from coming down the stage. He doesn't even want to see him. When it came to Zhang Shengnan, once he saw Zhang Shengnan, he couldn't help but think of that sad morning.

    So far, Lin Mu, Lin Gou and Shi Qi are on the right track. Everyone studied earnestly and secretly had emotions. Fortunately, both sides were very enlightened children. They knew that they were still students. If they wanted to If you have a better future, you must study hard. The stage test at the end of the month not only did not regress, but improved a lot.

    On the contrary, some people in class 1 did not adapt to the learning rhythm of junior high school, and their grades declined significantly. In order to consider the overall enrollment rate, the teachers transferred Lin Mu Lin Gou and some of the students from class 2 who had made significant progress in this exam to class 1, instead of class 1. Those who regressed were transferred to the second class, so that the young couple who had a good impression of each other became classmates.

    Everyone is happy with the status quo, except for one.

    Wu Shengfei: What did I do wrong to torture me like this?

    Shi Qi also achieved the first place in the grade without any suspense this time, and successfully blocked the mouths of people who doubted her ability. Everyone has to admit that God is indeed partial, and some people are smart. Just being able to easily do what they couldn't do, the principal of the high school was so happy that he immediately made a decision and decided to list Shi Qi as the key training target for this batch.

    He even wrote a letter and asked his old classmates who are principals in other places to come with a large number of review materials, covering all the real college entrance examination questions from the beginning of the college entrance examination system until the end of the college entrance examination, and some provincial key schools. Simulated real questions, and even some English review materials that are absolutely unavailable in the county.     You must know that in this college entrance examination, only those who want to apply for foreign language-related majors need to use English. If you apply for other majors, you will not be able to test in English at all. With so much information, the principal of the County No. 1 Middle School is indeed It was a great effort.

    It was said that it was specially made for Shiqi. In fact, all the senior high school candidates followed suit and were assigned a review material whose ink had not completely dried up. It was copied by the staff in the copy room who stayed up all night with a hand-cranked printing machine. .

    Xiao Koi is no longer a little koi who did not understand anything and could not see the value of these materials. She simply turned a few pages and understood the value and rarity of this information. I went to the photocopying room, paid for myself and made two copies of the documents, and sent them to Mr. Huo and his wife when they returned to their hometown next week.     When Mr. Huo and his wife saw these two documents, their eyes were straight. With such precious documents, Shi Qi would still think of the two of them, not to mention the emotional Li Xiyi, and even Huo Dongyang, who was not very emotional on weekdays. He couldn't help but redden his eyes, but he still wanted to joke with a hoarse voice.     "Aren't you afraid of having two more competitors?"     Shi Qi was indeed not afraid, she told the truth: "Don't be afraid, the two of you are no longer my opponents."     "I'm quite confident." Huo Dongyang picked He raised his eyebrows, "Then I will test you?"     "Let's test it." The little koi was very calm, and even asked to improve the difficulty of the game, "I have written down all the contents of this review material, and the teacher can also Question from this."     Having been Shiqi's teacher for five years, Huo Dongyang naturally knew that Shiqi was indeed smart, but he didn't think that Shiqi was so clever that he was almost a monster, so he deliberately chose a few in the college entrance examinations over the years. To test Shiqi with difficult big questions, including politics, language, history and chemistry, Shiqi can answer them easily and freely.     Huo Dongyang looked at her relaxed and relaxed look, very surprised and mixed feelings.     Not long ago, she was sitting in the classroom learning Arabic numerals, but in just a few years, she was more powerful than him. She was like a sponge that could never be full of water. She could always accommodate all kinds of knowledge. How far can you go in academia and what kind of achievements can you make for the country?

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