Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 Carp leaps to the Dragon Gate, Koi leaps

    With the introduction of this policy, the educated youth still have the heart to go to work. They study day and night in order to change their destiny, and they don't even need work points. The rest of the production team has no opinion. Anyway, there are only a small number of educated youths in the locust production team. , Remove a few teacher places, and what they can do in the crops is limited. It is better to let them go back to review in peace, and go home early to reunite with their families.

    Sun Jianjian didn't mean to blame them either. He compared his heart to heart. If he had been sent to an unfamiliar and difficult environment for several years, he would have behaved in the same way if he suddenly knew that there was a way to go back.

    But there are so few people who have shameful selfishness and don't want them all to go back to their hometown. They are afraid that no one will educate their children when they go back, they will not be able to get into technical secondary schools, and they will have no future. I secretly went to Sun Jianshe to go around the bush to give advice to Sun Jianshe, hoping that Sun Jianshe would come forward and let them continue to work and leave them in the locust tree production team to continue to be teachers in the school.

    But Sun Jianshe was not the kind of captain who had lost his conscience and had no brains to protect his shortcomings. He blocked the group of people back on the spot.

    "Bah! Listen to what you are saying, is this human? Just so that your children can be admitted to junior high school and insist on delaying the return of the children from the city to the city, your conscience is calling the dog to eat it?! If you have the ability to go out in thunderstorms, let’s see if God can’t kill you!”

    Most of the people in rural areas are superstitious. After hearing what Sun Jianshe said, those people shrank their necks in guilt, but they were still not reconciled. , wants to work harder for the future of his own children: "Captain, we are the people in the production team, they are outsiders, you can't turn your elbows out."     "I said you can't figure it out . What?" Sun Jianshe rolled his eyes and said, "People have already decided to go, even if they were influenced by you, they didn't go back and stay with us to be a teacher for your baby. This college entrance examination is not only this year, it is a It will be released in the future. People can take the test a second time if they fail once. At that time, they will deliberately fish for three days and spend two days in the net, and they will teach your children badly, but they will be able to take the test directly and walk away. What do you do with your dolls?"     Ah this...

    You look at me, I look at you, these people have no idea.

    Indeed, they are all illiterate scumbags. Whether this child is good or bad is not the teacher's final decision? At that time, people will hate them for making troubles at such a time and teaching their children to waste, but they pat their butts and leave comfortably. What should we do if we leave them behind?

    "So, it's better to sell them from now on, let them know that the people in our production team are not that unreasonable, and if they get a good chance and become a high-ranking official, they can take care of both of us. If you don’t get admitted and continue to stay in our production team as a teacher, at least you won’t deliberately lead our children to bad.”     Sun Jianshe directly threw the two results to them to choose, because he had a grudge with other educated youths. Ruining their children; or supporting other educated youths to study for college in exchange for the possibility of making good friends in the future, these people hesitated for a while, and finally chose the latter.     Therefore, when the educated youths of other production teams were still trying to find a balance between work and study, the educated youths of the Sophora tree production team had already received the support of all the members, and sprinted with gratitude and without any scruples. , they all know in their hearts that this is a war that will change their destiny. If they want to stand out in this war, they must learn against the clock.     There was no homework in Xiaoshengchu's summer vacation, and the nearby hilltops had no fun at all for so many years. Shiqi simply went to the educated youth station every day to watch them review. Because of the big rise, she has now reached a state of unforgettable memory. At first, she was a little unclear about the situation, but after about half a month, she could understand and understand a lot of content.     She was originally the first place in the commune this year. She was the proudest student of Huo Dongyang and Li Xiyi. All the educated youths knew about such a little girl. Now they are surprised to see her perform so well. , It just so happened that everyone gritted their teeth and sprinted for half a month, and they also had to hold a small-scale exam to see how much they had improved. Huo Dongyang asked her to go home to get a pen and paper and take the exam with everyone.

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