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After i let Lando in, we sat at the table. Eating our dinner in silence. I really want to start an conversation, but i don't know about what. Maybe ask about his job and who he really was? Or should that be something he should tell me? I wave it away and look at my food. " You have a beautiful home. Very cosy. " Lando looks up and i meet his eyes. I give him a smile and grab the glass of water. " Thank you! It's not big, but it's big enough for me. " He nods his head and continues eating. I take a sip from my water and put i back in front of me. " How did you know i like chicken nuggets? " I ask him and take a bite. " Wild guess. Nobody can say no to chicken nuggets. " He laughs quietly and i join him. " Okay, true that. If you don't like chicken nuggets, than why do you buy MacDonald's? " He nods his head, heavily, and takes a sip from his drink. " You know, i haven't had MacDonald's in weeks. It's cheat day today. " He tells me and i look at him, with a big question mark above my head. Not that you can see an actual question mark, but you know what i mean. " Why's that? Diet? " He nods his head and swallows. " I can't eat junkfood a lot. Otherwise my trainer will be mad and that means i have to run laps, like all day. " I laugh and look him in the eyes. " Take me with you. I need to lose weight anyway. " He shakes his head and his blue eyes stare directly into mine. " Why do you want to lose weight? You look amazing. " I blush a little after his comment. Even though i don't know him, he knows how to make me blush.

After dinner, we decided to take a walk outside. Enjoying the snow, now it's still snowing. I love the snow. Christmas is also coming, which means it's time for family and friends. I haven't seen my parents in months. They are very busy with work, they fly around the world. Not that i mind, because i had my own life here in Bristol, but i would love to see them again. " Tell me something about yourself. We don't even know each other. " He has a point, we don't know each other. I googled him, but he doesn't need to know that. " What do you want to know? " I tell him as we walk the streets. " I know your name. So how old are you? What do you do, do you work? Do you have siblings? " He asks me with a smile. " I'm twenty-one years old, born and raised in Bristol. I do have a job, i work in a game store. I have one sibling, an older brother. " I tell him while we walk towards the park. " You work in a game store? Didn't expect that. " I nod my head and laugh. " Don't judge a book by it's cover. " He laughs softly and nods his head. " Your turn. Tell me anytime you want to tell. " I ask him as I take a big step over the pile of snow. I could tell he was thinking about some things, because he looked confused. " Is there something wrong? " I ask him as I stopped walking. He turns around and looks at the ground. " Can I trust you? " He simply asks. " Yes, can I trust you? " I shot the question back. He smiles and nods his head. " Yeah, you can. You promise me you won't laugh? " I nod my head and look at him. " I'm twenty-two years old. I have three siblings, two younger sister and an older brother. " He tells me with a big smile. " I was born in Bristol, currently living in Woking but I'm moving to Monaco in two months. I'm a Formula 1 driver of Mclaren and a part time Twitch streamer. " Okay so he did tell me, what google said. He really is a Formula 1 driver.

" So Formula 1, what's that? " I ask him seriously. I mean, I googled it, but I really don't know what it is. " You don't know what Formula 1 is? " He asks me, quite shocked. " I have heard of it, yes. But I don't know what it is. Tell me, I'm curious! " I said with a big smile. He looks at me and his blue eyes made me speechless. " It's basically driving around in circles, in a very fast car. You can win the race, get a cup and points. If you have enough points you can become the world champion. " We walk toward a bench, which was covered in snow. I scoop the snow away and sit down. " Sounds dangerous, but fun! Is it just in England? Or do you travel around the world to many circuits? " I pull up my jacket a little more, because it's pretty cold out. I'm glad I put on cloves and a hat, because without them I would freeze to death. " I travel a lot for races. I don't really mind, but the long flights are dreadful. " I laugh softly and nod my head. " I have been to America, that's the only long flight I ever had. I slept all the way from London to New York. " I can hear him laughing next to me. " You're a streamer, you said. What do you stream? " He made me curious about that too. I work at a game store, so I know a lot about games. " Call of duty mainly, but also Formula 1 of course. " Ah the basic games and boy would play. " You don't like adventure and horror games? Like The Last Of Us or Alien Isolation? " I ask him, but I can see his mouth opening. Out of surprise, because I knew about games and gaming. " Wow, I'm surprised that you know so much about gaming. I never excepted that, not from you. " He laughs and put his hat down his ears. " Like I said. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I have a full set up at home. I can show you when we are back? " He nods his head, happily and stands up. " Let's go back then! I want to defeat you in a match. " I smile and stand up too. I raise my eyebrow and look at him. " You think you can defeat me? I'm pretty good, for a girl. " We start walking the same way back. Let's see who will win the match.

" Okay, this is marvelous. You have a better set up than me. " He tells me when we walk in to my gaming room. It's just a simple room. Light blue walls, dark wooden floor and some led lights around the room. " I tried to make it look a bit happier. The dark wooden floor makes it so dark. " I take a seat in my chair and Lando sits next to me. " So what do you want to play? Call Of Duty? " He nods his head and I give him a controller. I have a pc and a PlayStation four but I love to play on my pc. It's so much better and I can connect my controllers with the system. " Team death match? Or gun game? " I ask him while the game loads. " Let's go for Death match. One verses one. " I nod my head and set up everything. Let's beat his ass.

After three matches, Lando gave up. He didn't win any of the matches. " You're so good! I can't win from you. " I laugh and put my controller on my desk. " I told you, I'm pretty good in gaming. " He sighs and looks down. " I lost, from a girl. Damn, that's something new. " I smile, proudly and look at him. " Don't worry. You will win next time. " I tell him and he pushes me, so that my chair rolls away. I laugh and roll back towards him. I push his chair, a little to hard, and he falls with chair and all. " Oh god, I'm sorry! " I laugh and put my hands in front of my mouth. His laugh fills the room, god he has such a adorable laughter. " You are so going to regret this. " He stands up and starts to tickle me. " No don't! Stop Lando! " I laugh and defend myself by pushing him away. Not that it's helping but it's worth a shot. " I told you! You are going to regret pushing me of the chair. " He keeps on laughing and smiling. This boy makes me laugh more than i imagined.

After the tickle fight, we went downstairs. Watched a movie, ate some snacks and maybe opened a bottle of wine. We sat on the couch, both our feet up on the couch, with the last bit of our wine. " You know, this night has been fun. " I nod my head in respond. " At what time are you leaving? Not that i want you to leave right now, but because of the snow. " I put out in defense and take a sip of my wine. " If I'm done with my wine. Hope i don't see any police on my way home, then I'm screwed. " I laugh and nod my head. " Well, let's hope for the best. You could of said no though. " He shakes his head an takes the last bit of wine from his glass. " Who can say no to wine? " I laugh and he puts his glass back on the table. " It's two am by the way. I have to be at the factory in the morning. " He stands up and walks toward the hall. He grabs his jacket and walk back towards me. " We have to do this more often. Maybe with George, Max and Sophie next time. " Oh god i forgot to text Sophie. I grab my phone and text her quickly. " I totally forgot to text Sophie to check on her. " I heard a little laugh next to me and i throw my phone next to me. " I'll ask her next time if you ask the boys. " He nods his head and put on his shoes. I stand up and walk with him to the door. Once he is done with putting on his shoes, he turns around. " Thank you for tonight. Next time i will win! " I laugh and shake my head. " You really don't like it, do you? " He shakes his head and opens his arms. I hug him and he closes his arms around me, tightly. I can smell his parfum, it's Paco Rabanna. I love it. He pulls away and sigh. " Okay, i really need to go home. " I nod and open the front door. But within seconds, a big pile of snow falls on my doormat. I turn around and look at Lando. " Uhm, looks like the weather changed. " He laughs and looks outside. " Well, I can't drive in this. This snow will get me killed. " I close the door and look around. " I have a spare room, you can stay here until you need to be at the factory? Only if you want? " He takes off his shoes and jacket and nods. " Probably for the best. I probably leave when you are still asleep. It's a two hour drive. " I nod and walk back to the living room. " Give me a minute, i will put the glasses away and then i can show you your room. " He nods and waits in the hall. I can't let him drive in the weather. What if he gets an accident and ends up dying? I don't want that on my name.

As we walk upstairs, i can feel his eyes on my back. Probably looking at my bum. I open the door, to the spare room, and turn on the lights. " It's not much, but it has a bed were you can sleep. " He walks in and looks around. " It's not that bad. Almost the same colours as you gaming room. I like it. " I smile at him and walk to the other door. " This is the bathroom. There are towels you can use and a new toothbrush in the drawer. Use whatever you need. " He gives me a big smile and thanks me for letting him stay the night. " No worries. You don't have to lock the front door in the morning. Make some coffee and breakfast, i will clean it after. " He thanks me again and i leave the room. I walk towards my own room and open the door. Once inside, i flop on my bed. I probably won't hear him leave in the morning. I take my pyjama from the chair and undress. The clothes is was wearing are now on the ground. I put on the pyjama and open the sheets. I get in and close my eyes. My phone is fifty procent so i don't have to charge it. I hear a knock on my door and look up. " Come in. " I yell and i see Lando. " Hey, do you have an IPhone charger for me? " I nod and point to my desk. He grabs the charger and walks back. " Thank you. I will put it back on the desk in your gaming room in the morning. " I nod and he closes the door. I turn off my nightstand lamp and close my eyes. Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

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