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When i arrived at Sophie's, i parked my car in her driveway. I get out of the car and lock it behind me. I don't need to ring the bell, because i had the key. Her dad gave it to me, because he sees me as family. I open the front door and i smell the vanilla candles. " Sophie! I'm here! " I yell up the stairs and i heard a lot of noise. " Quinn! You are fast. " I hear he say, while walking down the stairs. " You told me to be here at seven. It's precisely seven o'clock. " I tell her and show her the time on my phone. " Uh i still need to fix my hair, can you help me please? " I nod my head and walk up the stairs. " You look gorgeous by the way! " She tells me and i smile. " Thank you, what do you want with your hair? Straight? Curls? " I ask her while playing with her hair. She had natural make up, blue ripped jeans and a white crop top, on. She looked amazing, as usual. She doesn't even need make up, because without it she looked the same. " Let's go with curls this time. " She grabs the curling iron and plugs it in.

Within thirty minutes, i am done with her hair. " Thank you Quinn, it looks amazing. " She thanks me and i smile. " Anytime. You know that. " She hugs me and grabs a bottle of wine from her fridge. Yes, she had her own fridge in her room. " Let's start with some wine. " She opens the bottle and pours two glasses. " George texted me, telling me he is also coming. " I nod and look at her, with a big question make above my head. " You're texting with George? The George you met Thursday night? " She nods her head and i can see that she likes the guy. " He's sweet. He keeps texting me sweet things. And he is good looking, don't tell me I'm wrong. " I laugh en shake my head. " You're not wrong. But not my type remember. " She laughs and takes a sip from her wine. " Have you spoken with Lando? George told me you guys text each other a lot. " How does George know that? Did Lando tell him? Well, i don't really care but a little bit of privacy would be appreciated. " We hung out yesterday. Got to learn more about each other. He's really a nice guy. " She pushes me and screams. " Why didn't you tell me! " I laugh and drink my wine. " I never knew i would invite him over. I just did and he accepted the offer. " We both laugh and Sophie pours another glass of wine for us both. I told myself i wouldn't be drinking much, but this wine is so good.

I didn't get to the club sober. Sophie and I drank three bottles of wine and took a few shot before we even got to the club. The uber told us to behave a few times, but that made us laugh even more. Lando texted me, saying he is home. He would take a shower, put on some fancy clothes and be here in a few minutes. George was already inside, so Sophie dragged me inside. " Sophie! You're back, the usual? " Alex, the bartender, asked. Sophie just nodded her head and asked me if i saw George. I look around, despite that my vision was blurry, and focus. George was easy to be spotted. His height gave him away. " Found him! " I yell in her ear and grab her hand. I thank Alex for the drink and grab it with my free hand. " George! " I scream when he sees us. He smiles, big, and hugs us. " Girls, you're here! Oh you already have drinks. Next round is on me! " He smiles and dances to the music. He definitely had some drinks before we came. " Quinn, is Lando already here? " George asked me, with his mouth next to my ear. I shake my head and tell him, he would be here in a few minutes. " One thing for sure. You look beautiful. " George tells me and i blush a little. I'm not used to compliments. " Lando is going to love it! " And with that said, he turned around and started to dance with Sophie.

Almost an hour later, there still wasn't a sign of Lando. Did he fall asleep when he got home? He was up early and had a long day at work, so i don't really mind if that is what happend. " Sophie? I'm going outside, okay? I'll be back in a few minutes. " She simply nodded her head and continued to dance with George. I make my way through the crowd and step outside. I grab my cigarettes from my bag and light one up. I take a hit and grab my phone. Should i call him? Maybe he did fall asleep. Just call him, i tell myself. I search for his name and i call him. It took him three rings, to finally pick up. " Hey Quinn. What's up? " He askes me and i sigh of relieve. " Where are you? " I ask him and take another hit from the cigarette. " I'm sorry, there is a lot of traffic in Bristol. I should be there in a minute. " So he is driving, in his own car. Is he with the orange Mclaren? " Are you with your own car? " I ask him maybe a little bit to quick. If he is with the orange car, he would attract so many eyes on him. Not that I'm scared to be seen with him, but the paparazzi would be all over him. " No, I'm with my second car. If i go with the Mclaren, i can tell you whole Bristol would be there in minutes. " He laughs and that made me laugh too. " Turn around. " He says and i turn around slowly. He flashes with his headlights and i put my hand in front of my eyes. " Thank you for blinding me. " I laugh and i hear a door close. He hangs up and walks up to me. " I'm sorry for being late. " He hugs me, tightly, and when we let go of each other he looks at me. " You look beautiful, Quinn. " He made me do a spin, while i threw away my cigarette. " Thank you very much. I like it too. " I tell him and his eyes keeps looking up and down. " Let's go inside. George has been a great host. " I tell him while shaking my head. I grab his hand and together we walk inside.

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