Chapter 19 : When Its About The Future That Daughter Of Apollo Is Always Right

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Chapter 19 : When Its About The Future That Daughter Of Apollo Is Always Right

(Percy Pov)

After my mother's wedding we head back to the camp because you know that Zeus will be angry when he find out that we still in the mortal world and not in Olympus. Dad go back to his palace under the sea as the king of Atlantis he need there if something happen. Me and my friends go straight to the camp as we came back a girl greet us I think she is Ira from Iris cabin. She have a dark brown hair and a light brown eyes. She was waving excitedly.

"Welcome back" she greet us happily

"Hi, where's Chiron?" I asked

"He's in the big house, I can escort you there" she said happily. And I'm sure she is a energetic maybe it's her ADHD.

"No thanks" I said. And on the distance I saw Issabelle and Maikha arguing I never saw Maikha so angry.

When Annabeth saw them she run to stop them fighting. And thanks goodness before they released their magic weapons Annabeth stop them.

Me and the others follow Annabeth to stop them. I don't know what they are arguing about.

"What's wrong?" Piper asked worried. Of course we all have live in a island together for almost a year we all known each other.

"It just a misunderstandings" Issabelle said

"She don't believe me" Maikha said

"You can't accuse someone without a proof " Issabelle protested

"What happen" Hazel asked

And then Issabelle said that Maikha saw a vision about future and accuse someone but she didn't tell who. And after Issabelle tell to us what happen Maikha leave and when she walk pass to Ira they both glare to each other. After that we go to the Big House.

I was going back to my cabin to get some nap but I saw Ida standing in the door waiting.

"Ira what are you doing here?" I asked

"I was waiting for you" she said and smiled

"Oh, do you need something? "

"It's just I-" Ira said but interrupted by Maikha

"Don't think about it" Maikha said

"Who are you to order me" Ira said

"Wait don't fight here" I tried to stop them but Ira raised her sword and Maikha summon her golden bow came from know where. Maikha told me about her bow that it's Apollo's gift to her birthday, but I'm curious why she didn't carry an arrow she told me that the arrow appears when she needed and her bow can disappear just like the hunters bow.

"You will not succeed" Maikha said

"Your little pathetic, you think people in this camp believe to your nonsense future!" Ira yelled. So the other campers paid attention what happening here.

Ira was going to attack Maikha when Chiron came. Thanks he came.

"Put down your weapons!" Chiron shouted. And Maikha and Ira put down their weapons.

I saw Issabelle running to her best friend carrying her spear readying to help her. But she put down her spear too.

"Maikha and Issabelle come with me in the big house" Chiron ordered

"Yes time for your punishment you lousy liar" Ira commented and I'm sure when the Apollo cabin heard that comment they all glared to Ira and follow Chiron with the Hephaestus cabin too.

I go to Athena cabin. And I wanted to ask Annabeth what is the future that Maikha saw. On first Annabeth hesitated to tell but she said what is the future that Maikha see.

"Issabelle told me that Maikha see in the vision of Ira walking on the woods, Maikha followed her and then she saw her talking to a monster's and a woman and then say that "bring me that things, that what your mission is right" and then after that Issabelle said that Maikha saw....." Annabeth explained

"Saw what?"

"They didn't tell me but I'm sure Ira is spy.....I don't know who but I'm sure about it.......And besides Maikha is daughter of the god of prophecy and it's common to them to see futures"

Yeah right she has a reason why she can saw future but what about me. I wanted to ask that but I must stay quiet because it's not a nature that son of the sea god can see futures too.

"Yeah maybe that's true"

I'm heading to my cabin to get some sleep when I saw Maikha going back to her cabin after talking to Chiron. When she saw me she just give me small smile but she said something weird to me before heading to her cabin.

"Percy if you chose to change the future it doesn't end right" she said

"Wait what are you talking about?"

"Don't grieve and don't blame your self there is always a reason"

"I don't understand you"

"The heirs of the olympians must travelled

To find the lost friends who in troubled

And-" Maikha said but interrupted by Will

"Maikha let's go back to the cabin, hi Percy" he said

"Percy be ready and have a good sleep because tomorrow you can't sleep well in a ground" she said and smiled.

I go back to my cabin and thinking what she just said. But I'm sure that I heard she just recite a prophecy. But its impossible.

I jump to my bed to have a good sleep I'm going to close my eyes when Grover open my cabin door and look exhausted.

"Percy....." he said breathing heavily


"Clarisse.......Issabelle. .......Tyson....." he said breathing "Got captured"


Me and Grover run to the big house to tell what happend. I think what Maikha see is true.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Characters or Locations Rick Riordan does. I own only the plot and some characters.

Hope you like it.

And I'm not great at creating a prophecy so sorry.

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