Chapter 20 : Three Missing Campers and New Quest

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Chapter 20 : Three Missing Campers and New Quest

(Clarisse Pov)

I was waiting to Issabelle came out to the big house. When I saw Chiron came out with Issabelle.

"I talk to her, I don't want the camp know that theirs another great prophecy coming" Chiron said

"But its different it's two prophecy she recited, maybe I don't think that prophecy will happen this year" Issabelle said worried "I think the first one is will happen in the new golden age"

"What another prophecy! " I yelled but it's to late to stop "That's ridiculous another one"

"Clarisse can you please be quiet" Issabelle said

"Okay fine"

"I'm going inside to talk to her"

When Chiron go inside I was going to tell to Issabelle to help me spy to Ira to find out if Maikha is right. But before I can asked she agreed.

Me and Issabelle followed Ira because every day she leave the camp and go to woods. I don't know why but I find it creepy maybe she is talking to someone just like what Maikha saw in the vision. They followed her but nothing happens she just walking and walking.

"I'm so exhausted can we stop for a while" Issabelle said

"We can't if we stop we will Lose her" I said

"It's dangerous to be out here harpies will going to eat us" Issabelle said

"Can you please shut up"

"Why you want me here?"

"Ugh...please be quiet for a while" I demand

When Ira started walking again we follow her and she stop again to make sure no one is following her. Me and Issabelle hide. We follow her again but Issabelle is making me to strangle her.

"Can you shut up please"

"Okay I'm out!" She yelled

"Shhh.....keep it down" I whispered but I think it's to late.

I saw Ira standing in front of them look irritated. We will going to run when we saw Cyclops surrounding us. It's means we've been cornered.

"So you are following me here, clever one" Ira said "Go and kill them"

"Lunch Yes I'm hungry" the Cyclops said happily

"So that means Maikha is right" Issabelle said

"Of course she is....she's daughter of Apollo after all" Ira said

"And you are traitor" I said

"Oh I'm just doing this because I want something "

"Like what"

"Immortality of course they I want to be a goddess and the demi titan can do that"

"Wait demi titan as if half human half titan?, and your insaine by the way"

"Yes...I mean I'm not insaine but your right about demi titan, for your information being immortal is all people want right"

"No......maybe some want"

"Like you, you are jealous about Mark being the next god of war and not you, your father chose him not you. Is that right Clarisse La Rue"

I want punch her ugly face to see who is strong but I just felt warm when I turn around I saw Issabelle surrounded by fire. She is a fire user.

"No one accused my best friend liar" she said and throw fire to Ira. I realised my spear and attack the ten Cyclops surrounding us. I run to the one who will going to eat me.

I stab his feet but he grab me and throw me. I hit a big tree and my vision is fuzzy but I managed to stand. I am a daughter of Ares I must not be defeated. The Cyclops running to me i throw my spear to target the one large eye and it hit it. The ugly Cyclops cried out in pain. And the other nine remained is running to me when I feel someone behind me.

I get my spear and point it to the person behind me but it just.

"Tyson what are you doing here"

"I smell bad and I will help you" he said and run to the nine Cyclops that ten feet tall.

"Tyson stop!" I shouted

I was going to help him but I saw Issabelle is exhausted because she's using her all power to hit Ira but she dodge all her attacks. I run to her to help but Ira shot Issabelle on her both arm. I run to her fast but the other big Cyclops grab me. And Tyson too we tried to strangle but it didn't work. But I saw a shadow of a satyr hiding I hope he will help us but he's to far to help. Grover was running to help us but it's to late a hooded person came.

"Maybe they will be a great to lure them" the hooded person said "Knock them down"

And after that I feel pain and close my eyes.

(Percy Pov)

Me and Grover go to Chiron to tell what happen. When Grover told them that Ira was a spy and Clarisse, Issabelle and Tyson captured, Chiron call a meeting for all counsellors and told to them what happen.

"That's means we need a quest" Chiron said "Who will volunteer? "

I raised my hand and also Annabeth.

"But....Percy Annabeth...."

"Chiron my brother is in danger" I protested

Chiron will going to say soemthing but stoped when Rachael came in.

"Need a prophecy now" she asked

"Yes, we need to know the prophecy " I said

She closed her eyes and start to recite the prophecy.

When we all heard the prophecy Chiron agreed that we can chose who will go to the quest. So that's going to be Me, Annabeth, Grover and the other's who with me in the quest to find the Pandora's Jar and plus Maikha. We all go back to our cabin and pack up all the things we needed in this quest.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Characters or Locations Rick Riordan does. I own only the plot and some characters.

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