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George woke up in Dreams arms, lying on the familiar couch in the living room. He heard a far voice talk and laugh in the distance, telling him Sapnap was upstairs talking to someone. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden bright light. He looked up at the taller, only to see his beautiful face hugging around a pair of closed eyes. He fell asleep.

He looked back down, beginning to recall everything that had happened with his date and the uber. He clearly remembered running late to the coffee date with Punz, chatting and laughing for hours but then remembered he promised to be home for dinner, had to leave and took an uber home. He did remember the uber coming and that he started to feel a little light headed - everything after that was basically gone.

He wanted answers, but controlled himself, cuddling closer to the blonde as he tried to fall back into what he convinced himself to be a normal sleep.

The black screen of nothing reappeared, a dream slowly beginning to take form to entertain him in his sleep. He was at a party, having a good time with the loud music in the crowded room. He was there with Dream and Sapnap, also a few of Sapnaps friends he was allowed to bring. The clock was going towards midnight, the brunettes eyelids starting to feel heavier than usual. He was drunk, but not enough to not know what he was doing.

He wanted to take a break for a moment, a place with no people just to breathe some fresh air. He tapped Dreams shoulder, "Can we go outside for a bit?" He asked, the blonde not seeming to notice him. He tapped again, this time a little deeper in the skin of Dreams shoulder; "Hello? Dream? Can-we-go-out-side-for-a-bit??" He said slowly as if the taller didnt understand what he was asking. Dream never turned to face him, George now grabbing his shoulder, dragging him to turn to him. Dream turned as the smallers grip forced him to, but he didnt catch his eyecontact, looking around the room with a confused face. He shrugged it off, turning back to face Sapnap and his friends.

George were getting frustated, raising his voice; "HELLO? DREAM?" He walked infront of him, waving his hand up and down infront of his face, but Dream saw right through it. He turned around, spotting Sapnap. "SAPNAP??" He grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him, but once again nobody noticed him. His breathing intensified as he turned around, looking at the familiar people around him. Didnt they see him?

He started tearing up, walking back to the tallest of them. He stood infront of him, hoping he would see him, staring right at him with watery eyes. The loud music and the sound of people singing and partying slowly lowered and dissapeared as he grabbed around Dreams waist for a hug, "Please, Dream. See me. Im right here." He whispered into his chest, a gentle tear finding its way down his cheek, "Im right here.."


He woke up, looking up to see himself in the same position as before he fell asleep. This time he looked up to spot the blonde fully awake, already looking at him, "Morning" He smiled, George placing his head back down on his chest. "Are you okay? After what happened yesterday?" George looked back up, furrowing his eyebrows together in confusion, "What do you mean? What happened?" Dreams face expressed his suprise, eyes widening slightly as he asked; "Do you really not remember anything??"

"No, what happened" George responded, placing an arm in the couch to push himself up to a higher position, "You passed out in the uber. I had to get you." Georges eyes widened. "Yeah and you did wake up shortly after i carried you in, but you fell asleep again and we just let you sleep. And ive been kinda trapped here since." Dream said and smiled at the last bit, creating silence for a moment.

George were the one to break it, "Were we at a party last night?" He asked, his eyes locking with the blondes once again. "A party? No we werent, you literally left me here. Why are you asking?" He responded, George now beginning to get up from the couch. "Idk i just wanted to make sure.." Dream ignored his answer, "George please. Stay and cuddle with me" George only got to step onto the floor, turning around to meet the blonde with a smile. "Why do you always want cuddles?" He exhaled a short laugh.

"Because im touch starved, George. Come here" He waved his hands for the brunette to sit with him. "Yeah you seem to be, jesus christ.." He mumbled before sighing, going back to sit in his lap with a leg on each side of him, face to face. Dreams hands immediately placing themselves on Georges waist, resting but grabbing his silky skin slightly.

"Do you actually know where i was going yesterday when i left you?" George asked all of a sudden. "No? Where were you going?" The blonde asked in response. George placed his hands on his chest, leaning forward slightly. "I was actually going on a date." He smirked, Dreams eyes immediatly widening in surprise. The surprise on his face turned into a mixture of dissapointment and madness. His hands let go of the smallers waist, "A DATE? WITH WHO?" His voice was slightly raised, the jealously easily audible in his voice.

"A guy named Luke. I met him at a party a few weeks ago.." George said, almost sounding like he was embarrased. "LUKE?? LUKE AS IN PUNZ???" Dreams voice were still a bit louder than George would like. He were stunned, immediatly making eye contact with the blonde, "Wh- do you know him?" "Um YES i do. Hes literally one of my good friends? Are you really choosing him over me??" George looked down, his mind drifting away from reality to think in peace.

All this made him realise how much Dream did for him. How he always snuggled around him, made him food, helped him fall asleep, made sure he was okay and comfortable at all times. He didnt understand why his mind was dragging him to Punz instead of him.

1058 words

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