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"Do you know if he has taken anything?" The neon-yellow clothed woman asked, looking at Dream and Sapnap who was backed up a few feet. "He said something about pills, right before passing out." The taller one said. Nick was grasped tightly around his arm and held it close to him for some sort of comfort. Everything was kinda crazy right now; Not even 10 minutes ago Dream called his name and he came downstairs to see George full on blacked out on the ground, getting told he took some sort of pills.

The woman nodded a stiff nod, focusing back on George who was lying on one of those beds you see in the ambulances. Lifelessly splatted out, not a single noise coming from him. A few more tears fell down Sapnaps cheek, Dream grabbing around him for a comforting hug, "Its going to be okay, Nick. Dont worry, hes gonna be fine." Dream wasnt 100% sure in his own words, but to comfort Sapnap right now was the least he could do. It was tough for him too.

They shut the big back doors of the ambulance, all four of the neon yellow people getting in the car themselves. Two in the back room where George was, one driving and one on the passenger seat. Dream catched one of them before they got in; "Are we allowed to come?" He asked, receiving the least wanted answer: "Unfortunately not. Only if you were his parent." She responded. "But can we maybe make an exception-" Dream continued, the woman immeadiatly speaking up, "Are you his parent?" She said annoyed. Dream broke their eye contact. "Im not his parent, no." His voice was turned down now, he definitely knew he didnt have a chance. "Good." The woman said, getting on the passenger seat, slamming the car door shut right infront of him. 

He turned around, facing Sapnap who didnt hear their conversation and nervously awaited Dream to tell her answer. Dream shook his head as the large car slowly drove out of their porch, Sapnap immeadiatly running after it, crying. Dream had to grab him to avoid him running on the head road. He forced him to stay and wrapped his arms around him as he violently hit and scratched the tallers arms and shoulders. "Sapnap!" Dream tried, the shorter slowly running out of energy. He turned around to face him directly, "What if he dies, Dream. Were just gonna stand here like two fucking idiots! What he dies Dream!" He shouted frustratedly, tears streaming uncontrollably down his face. Dream silently tugged him in for a hug, the shorter continually sobbing. "What if he dies Dream.."


George woke up in a complete strange room with a pounding headache. He looked around a little, the room wasnt very nicely decorated and very light. White everywhere. Except for one thing, the couch. It was such an ugly color, like a brown-orange-green combination. Literally looked like shit.

He felt different things around his body, especially some needles in both his forearms. He wasnt feeling that bad afterall, no pain except for the headache. He had been exhausted and confused last night, remembering someone gave him a small bag with a few pills at a party. Pills of happiness they called them: "Save them for a rainy day." They had said. He hadnt had the slightest idea of how it was gonna work, swallowing all three with one mouthful of water. He remember meeting Dream in the kitchen the next morning, really light headed and weirdly cheerful. But things went downhill, going from light headed to my head is about to fly off. Everything went black, and now he was in this room with an ugly ass sofa. Nice.

He looked at the couch again, just now noticing how nobody was there. Didnt Dream and Sapnap want to go with him? Maybe they were mad? He would understand if they were, he had given none of them any info about what he had been doing except for literally one word right before he passed out.

He sighed, leaning his head back to rest and think. Werent they gonna visit him at least?


Back home, Sapnap had calmed down. It was about 8 hours since they left with George and the two of them had been watching movies, which was Dreams idea to get him to relax a bit. Dream had been cuddly and tried everything to comfort him, even if he felt terrible himself. Touch was his way of showing love and care.

"When are we gonna be able to visit him? Did that one dumbass woman say something about that?" Sapnap asked. "Nick. Dont call her that." Dream said, the smaller rolling eyes. "And no she didnt," He continued, "But when my mom was in the hospital we could visit in the weekend, 2-4pm." Sapnap looked at him with widened eyes, "Weekend? Friday too?" He asked. Dream nodded, beginning to get up from the couch, getting something from a drawer in the kitchen. Their mess drawer. "Do you know what that means?" Nick kept going as Dream opened a window in the room. "No. What does that mean?" He said, holding a hand up infront of his other to succesfully lit a cigarette. "Wha- Since when are you smoking?" Sapnap looked suprised at him. The blonde blew out the smoke, all of it escaping through the open window. "I smoke when i want to, Sapnap. What does it mean?" Sapnap brushed it off, "It means we can already visit him tomorrow!" He said exitedly, his face lighting up in one big smile. "Good." Dream blew out another cloud of smoke, curling the cig slightly, throwing it out of the window. He closed it, "Lets do that."

968 words

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