Chapter Fourteen

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Another chapter!! Woot! Aaaaand a little surprise in the last few paragraphs ;)

I hope you all enjoy!

I couldn't believe what I was doing now.

After taking the villagers back up to the castle, we had cleared out a huge room for them. Is suspected that it was some sort of dinner hall, judging by the size, but it had been filled with boxes and boxes of random items like old candlesticks and tablecloths.

I had been passed some old clothes by someone who worked in the castle and I was now wearing some sort of strange outfit. It was all brown and dull and I wanted my pants back but I also didn't want to ruin them, because now I was acting as some sort of nurse.

That's right. I was taking care of people, including little Tim. I bounced from person to person, getting blankets and bringing water and food to them. I had never done anything like this before, and personally I didn't mind. Some people called into question the fact that I was doing this, but Acorn waved them off. I didn't mind keeping myself busy, and I think he could see that.

"Incent?" an elderly woman asked, already learning my name.

I turned to her quickly and crouched down next to her, "Yes? What do you need?"

"Is there anything I can sleep on?" She asked, looking uncomfortable on the floor. "I have arthritis and my bones can't take this."

I nodded quickly, "I'll get right on it." I grabbed a bundle of clothes and blankets that had been soiled with urine and vomit and made my way out of the room to find someone who could help.

The first person I ran into, strangely enough, was Scarlet. She stared at me vacantly as I asked for some sort of bedding before she walked off. I don't even know if she understood what I was saying to her. I shook my head and kept walking, trying not to drop what I was holding.

Suddenly, arms grabbed the linen out of my hands and I was face to face with Acorn as he put the dirty items in a basket, "How's it going in there?" he asked, already looking exhausted.

I sighed, "We need to give them something to rest on. The floor is too hard."

Acorn nodded, "I agree. I just don't know what to use. I don't know if we have enough cushions in here."

We both thought about it for a moment before I snapped my fingers, "Wool! We can use some of the old linen and stuff wool in them. Maybe for some of the adults we could use straw, but for the elderly and the children they can have wool."

His face broke into a tired grin, "That's a fantastic idea. We have enough wool here, although I doubt the dressmaker will be pleased."

He motioned at me to follow him and I trotted down the hallway behind him, looking around with interest. The hallways didn't even have guards in them, considering that everyone was helping out with the sick and I looked at the back of Acorn's head. Just one blow and it would all be over. I would have completed my mission and I would be a free man. Or would it? The King had a knack for lying to people. But then again, what are my options? Stay here forever and run around a castle? I'd go mad!

"What are you thinking about?" Acorn's voice cut into my thoughts and I jumped. He smiled at me, "You were staring at me rather intently for a while there. I thought you were having some strange episode."

I struggled to smile back, "I was just thinking about everything that was going on at the moment." My hand crept to the sword at my waist.

"Yeah," he murmured, turning away again as he led the way to the wool stock. "I can't believe all this is happening now. Oh, Titus!" He called out, waving to a guard who was standing outside a door. I cursed softly and dropped my hand.

The guard, Titus, looked over and nodded to him, "Prince Acorn."

"I want you to call some helpers here to bring out the wool," he replied, patting Titus on the shoulder. "We're going to be making makeshift beds until we can get better ones."

The man nodded and walked down the hallway, disappearing into another room. I didn't know when he would be back, or if he would have reinforcements, so I knew better than to act now.

We entered the room the guard had been standing by and I gasped. Wool, leather and silks hung from the ceiling and along the walls. So many different dyes and colours had been used on the pieces as well and I marvelled at the rainbow before my eyes.

Acorn smirked at me, "See something you like?"

I nodded slowly, going up to some of the wool and gently caressing it, "It's beautiful."

"Take some if you want," he murmured. "Small handfuls won't change anything."

Tentatively I reached out, but pulled back. I didn't want to be greedy. Acorn chuckled and came up behind me, pulling some of the wool off and handing it to me, "Put it in your pocket," he murmured in my ear. I paused for a moment, uncomfortable with his closeness, but did as he told me to do. He added a few more handfuls of different colours into my pocket before nodding, "I think that's most of the best colours."

I bit my lip, "Thanks."

He took a step closer and tugged on one of my dreadlocks, "No worries."

"Do you want something in return?" he asked. "I could make you a knife! I know how to make those from wood, and they're sharp!"

He shook his head, his hand sliding down to cup my cheek gently, "There's one thing I would like in return. Will you give it to me?"

I nodded slowly, feeling his soft hand move along my face as I did so.

Slowly, he leant his head towards mine, giving me a chance to back out of whatever he was planning. His lips descended on mine and they gently touched. I took in a sharp breath, not expecting that this was what he wanted. He took the fact that I wasn't pulling away as an incentive and deepened the kiss. His lips pressed against mine more forcefully and he pulled me closer, crushing our bodies together. I gave a startled whimper and he groaned softly in response, his tongue probing at my lips.

Opening my mouth I allowed his tongue to plunder me, although he did so gently but with a strange dominance I wasn't used to. My eyes slipped closed and I felt my body begin to respond positively to the kiss.

A cough at the door had Acorn pulling away from me. Titus stood there, wearing an awkward expression, "Where do you want us?" he asked softly, motioning behind him where a few guards popped their heads around the doorway.

Acorn smiled at him, "Just start pulling all the wools and fabrics down. We can get some women to help us make the bedding later." They nodded and got to work while I stood there with a dumbfounded expression on my face.

"That's not the first time we've seen him do this," another guard chuckled at me.

I looked up at Acorn and he nudged him, "Come on. We have to get back." He was suddenly back to the no nonsense Acorn I knew, and I was left bewildered at what had just transpired.

Remember to leave a comment!! If you don't know what to write, answer my question: Did you like the kiss that FINALLY happened?

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