Chapter Twenty Six

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Hey! The first Thursday update!! Yay!
Update on everything: I had my 21st birthday yesterday!! Woot! I am ready to run the world now :D
However, I am feeling myself growing insane in my household. I can't even read a book anymore because my father has the tv up so loud and on top of that randomly yells out lyrics to songs or scream yawns. I'm tense all the time and growing more and more frustrated. I'm hoping none of that will be reflected in this chapter, but I can only hope :/

I glanced between the two men, trying to find any family resemblance. Nothing, not even the eye colour matched. Not that I could see his eyes with the white goop falling into them! I shuddered inwardly and kept close to Acorn's back. I was still exhausted and I was praying that the bird's faeces had contained exactly what we needed. If it didn't, I was dead.

My hand went for my belt where my sword usually sat, but I cursed silently. I had left my sword with the horse because it had become too heavy for me to carry. All I had was a dagger in my shoe, but I couldn't subtly slide that out right now.

"You're not my brother," Acorn murmured. "My brother's dead."

The demon laughed, "That's what mother dearest told you, didn't she?"

"No, because I killed him," he spat out. "I held a knife to his throat and bled him dry so I knew he was dead. He asked me to do it."

"That I did," he nodded thoughtfully. "You did a good job. But not enough."

Acorn glanced back at me, his eyes confused. It was obvious that he didn't want to believe what the demon was saying, but the words coming from him ran too true to ignore. "What do you mean?" he finally asked.

"Necromancy," the demon's face split into a huge grin. "I wish I could tell you who, but alas, I'm not allowed to." The demon's eyes finally flicked past Acorn and landed on my face. "I was hoping you would be dead by now. I'm the one who's going to kill my brother, not you."

Acorn seemed to tense up. He glanced at me again, his eyes questioning. "Incent wouldn't kill me." His voice sounded so sure. It broke my heart.

"Incent?" My name rolled off the demon's lips, causing me to shudder. "Is that your name? I just know you as 'the assassin after my brother's heart'." He chuckled to himself, completely amused by the turn of events.

I looked up at Acorn, my mouth open. I wanted to lie and tell him that I was only there for my Kingdom, but I knew it was already too late. I could see in the man's green eyes that the seed of doubt was already planted. No matter what, he would be wary of me from now on.

The demon suddenly clapped loudly, gaining our attention. "Brother, we're wasting time right now. I'm not going to kill you yet. I want you all in the same place when I go for it." He reached beneath his shirt and touched something tenderly. "I have a gift for the still living Incent though. Why don't you turn around?"

My body seemed to know what I would see before I even turned around. It was a haunting feeling that flooded my limbs, making them feel heavy and uncomfortable. My turn felt like hours when it was simply seconds of my time.

I took in the figure behind me, disbelief clouding my mind. It couldn't be. I could hear someone saying no very close to me and I thought it was Acorn until I realised my own lips were moving and sounding the words out.

"Hello, my pet."

It was the forked tongue that flicked out from between his lips that caused me to remember. Not that I had ever forgotten, but simply remember the fear I felt when I was six years old.

It was the demon who had... touched me. I couldn't even begin to think the proper word for it, especially not in front of him.

"Little Incent." His scaled body glinted threateningly as he crept closer. "It's been a long time. But I'm back for you. Did you miss me?"

"H-how...?" I couldn't get anything else out of my mouth.

It smiled brightly. "We have a bond. Didn't you know that? I could feel everything you could feel and I knew everything you were doing. You've killed a lot of my brothers so I'm not exactly happy with you right now. We're going to have to... rectify our relationship."

I shuddered and shook my head. He was always too articulate for a simple demon. Was he like Acorn's brother? Was it necromancy? Were they simply humans that happened to look like demons?

No, they were far too evil for that. I backed into Acorn and felt him tense again.

The snake-like demon from my past rose up onto his back legs, "This disease was all my idea. But not the pot. I don't like seeing burns on your skin. Or should I say my skin." He flicked his tongue out, tasting the air again. "You're scared of me. Actually, you're terrified. Good. I like that in my pets."

"I will never be your pet." It was the first thing I had said during the entire encounter, but I was grateful that my voice didn't waver.

The two demons laughed and I turned my head to look at Acorn's brother. He seemed to find it hilarious. I looked back at mine and gasped, finding his face inches away from my own.

"You are my pet," he hissed. "I am happy that the Prince took the time to patch you up, but now it's time to come with me. I have a warm little nest that you'll love."

I shook my head again and let out a harsh laugh, "I'm not going with you!"

He blinked and I realised he had a milky yet clear lid so he could still see me. "I think you are. You're sick, defenceless, and you have no weapons." Before I could touch my boot, his tail slid past my face. In it, my dagger gleamed. "What a shame I found you like this. Now you can't even fight me." He grinned, showing his fangs.

I heard a shout from behind me and knew Acorn was being attacked. Whether it was his brother or another demon, I had no clue. I wasn't stupid enough to look though, so I grabbed onto a tree to keep balanced. I glared at him and took a fighting stance. I knew more than just weapons!

The demon laughed again and crept closer, getting back onto all fours. "I know your dreams. You're filled with thoughts of me. When you kiss him," he motioned towards Acorn, "you remember what my lips tasted like. You will never be rid of me, so why fight it? Why not just bury yourself in my arms and let me take you away? Then you'll never have to see the look of hate in that man's eyes directed at you."

I wasn't fooled by what he was saying. Evil had a way of conversing with you and trying to change your thoughts. But I wasn't weak enough to fall into his arms. As he got closer, I lashed out and kicked him beneath the jaw. He tumbled back into the leaves and let out a growl of annoyance.

He got back up and shook himself off like a dog. His yellow eyes flashed back to my face and let out a long hiss, like a snake when they've won a battle. Within a blink of an eye, he had gone from where he was to standing right in front of me. He grabbed my neck and I heard a small crack as pain burst through my entire body. I was still awake, but I fell into his arms.

I tried to move my arms to stop my fall but found that they couldn't be moved at all. Panic set in and my eyes rolled around, seeking Acorn. He had his sword and was battling with the demon who claimed to be his brother. The demon had his full attention until I felt myself being dragged away at a rapid pace. Acorn's head turned and his eyes widened in shock, "Incent!" He yelled my name and tried to give chase but his path was blocked by his enemy.

Although I couldn't move, I could feel the pain in my limbs, so I knew I would be able to move again. It added fuel to my fire as I began to think of all the ways I would kill the demon who made my childhood one of misery, and my present self so hesitant in the pursuit of love.

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