Chapter Two

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Here is chapter two!! I hope you enjoy!

Okay, I lied.

When that demon had pushed me against the wall, I felt the grazing on my back bleed through my white shirt, but luckily my red cape covered it. I was ashamed to admit cuts on my back, because I knew that if she had lifted my shirt, she would have seen the dozens of claw marks and brutal whippings I had once received, so I had remained silent.

But now I was regretting it. I needed to rest before travelling back to the King's Palace through the forest for my next job, but I knew that relaxing while bleeding was simply screaming for a demon to come and attack me. I was still beating myself up for allowing a lesser demon to jump me like that, but I knew that people had made far graver mistakes in this line of work.

Gingerly, I took off my cape and shrugged my shirt off until I could peek over my shoulder to see the damage. My eyes strained as I tried to see the wounds, but I ended up giving up and touching my back gently to assess the damage instead. I felt blood, but the cuts were small and not life threatening, so I pulled my shirt back on, threw my cape over and began walking.

It should take about five days to reach the palace, I mused to myself while walking and occasionally taking sips from my canteen, but in my condition it will take about seven, unless I receive medical care, and the next town is a few hours away. I kept trudging through the small forest, roots attempting to trip me and branches causing me to duck at random moments as they tangled in my dreadlocks. I didn't mind though; the forest was an amazing place.

The Gyrette birds called out a love song as I walked, and I looked up into the high branches of trees, hoping for a glimpse at their vibrant blue feathers that they were so famous for. I was disappointed when I didn't immediately see one, but I continued my lookout all the same. It was mating season for them, and the creatures had a small dance they would do to impress possible mates. A small tail shake here and there, a flutter of the wings to show how strong they were, and hopefully a female Gyrette bird would fall (not literally) into their wings.

When I began to feel tired about an hour later, I pulled up to a nearby tree and searched its roots. I cursed when I found nothing but the Earth's cool soil, marred by nothing man-made. I had been hoping to find a trapdoor of hideouts that hunters used to use. They would put them by Yoddle trees so that other hunters could find them. This was the first Yoddle I had found, but unfortunately, there was no trap door.

I took my cape off in the warmth and lay it down so that I could relax on it, looking up at the tree. A Yoddle could be told apart from others in the forest due to its leaves. They were golden and large, resembling a lily pad although they had no hope of blossoming flowers. I'd always wondered if the trees would be ashamed if they could see the beauty of one another, or if comparing and regret were solely human concepts. As I lay there, listening for any approaching demons, I felt the warmth and soft breeze willing me to close my eyes and sleep.

The demon crept closer, his forked tongue flicking out to taste the air, to taste my fear. He smiled slightly, and I looked up into his beautiful face. His smile widened at my trustful and admiring gaze and he asked me my age.

"S-Six," I stuttered, amazed that such a man would find interest in such a boring child like me.

"Six?" He repeated, his eyes narrowing in thought, "A little older than I usually take, but you'll do well all the same. And with skin the colour of the night sky. It's been a long time since I've seen one as beautiful as you."

"Wake up, moron!" A sharp kick to the head had me fumbling for my weapons. With a small cry I realised that my wounds on my back had reopened and fresh blood trickled down my back uncomfortably.

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