Chapter Thirty Eight

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Sorry about the late final chapter!! University struck, with exams and final assignments and I've barely had five minutes to myself!
Anyway, here's the final chapter to my story! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you will enjoy the stories to come from me!

Acorn trailed soft kisses down my neck while I threaded my fingers through his hair. He'd grown it out a bit, and I knew it frustrated him. I pushed it off his face while he focused on creating soft pink marks on my neck through his kissing and sucking.

When his tongue flicked out and touched the soft area behind my ear I gasped and arched my back. I hadn't even known I was sensitive there.

Acorn smirked at my reaction and I scowled, not wanting to reward his attitude. He did it again and I gave a soft whimper, unable to stop myself.

"My, my," he crooned. "We are sensitive there, aren't we?"

I turned my head away as a soft blush took over my cheeks. Once again, I was grateful for my dark skin for covering up the depth of my rosy cheeks, but I knew Acorn would still see it. At the sound of his chuckle I knew he had.

He began pulling my shirt off and pressing small kisses to my skin and I squirmed impatiently. I'd never been one for taking things slowly, especially when I wanted something as much as I wanted this.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and tipped us over so that I was on top. "You're taking too long," I whispered, as I pulled open his shirt and bit one of his nipples. It was his turn to gasp in surprise at my actions and I grinned. I used my hand to reach down and gently grope his crotch as I sucked on his chest, creating my own mark.

Acorn tugged on my hair and pulled my face up before rolling us over again. "I want you to feel the wool on your back," he whispered as he began to undo my pants and pull them down. "I know you want to be quick, but I like taking things a little slower. We'll reach the same point in the end anyway."

"But we'll reach it faster if we do it my-" I was cut off when he ground his hips against mine. My eyelids fluttered and I let out a noise that sounded like a cat mewling for food when it was hungry. He did it again and I let out a soft sigh. I guess his was acceptable too.

He smiled and threw my pants into another pile off wool. Before I could say anything about his abuse to my new pants, he captured my lips with his as his hand curled around my cock. I gasped into his mouth, and he used that chance to slip his tongue into mine and explore. I moaned as his hand began to make slow, gentle tugs on my erection, causing my hips to move slowly. I had to admit, the softness of the wool made the movements so much smoother.

He released my mouth and slid down my body slowly, biting me gently as he went down. He let go of my length when he reached it and tentatively gave it a lick. I shuddered, my eyes shutting as pleasure ran through me. When his tongue flicked out again and ran all the way along my shaft, I bucked my hips and a hoarse shout came from me.

Acorn didn't stop there to smirk or tease like he usually did. Instead, he ducked his head and slid me into his mouth. I'd never had such a thing happen to me before and I was completely confused and aroused. Was this normal? I'd heard of people doing things like this before, but it wasn't common.

When he hummed softly, I nearly forgot my own name. I tipped my head back and cried out as pleasure swam its way through each and every vein, setting my nerves on fire and spreading it in an almost painful way.

Acorn looked up at me and blinked, "That didn't take long." He wiped his mouth with his hand and I realised what I had done.

"I'm so sorry," I gasped. "I should have warned you!"

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