• chapter one •

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A knock echoed in the hallway, a quiet 'come in' was heard from inside a room. The door opened and the man stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"Ah, Aizawa." Nezu said, smiling. "Would you like a cup of tea?" The rat asked, taking a sip out of his own cup.

"No thank you, I'm just here to talk about something. Or rather, someone." Aizawa said, sitting down in the chair infront of Nezu.

The rat looked at Aizawa, waiting for him to speak. "Its about the vigilante, Spiderman."

This spiked Nezu's interest. He's been interested in the new Vigilante ever since they made an appearance.

"I want to start a bigger investigation on who this could be." Aizawa stated. "I feel its necessary."

"And why is that?" Nezu questioned.

"Spiderman is strong, if the league were to get ahold of them then it would create a lot of issues." The raven haired male said.

The rat nodded slightly. "That's very true." He said. "But how do you think you'll find out any information about him?" He asked. "There aren't even proper pictures of him, the ones in the news are too far away or blurry." Nezu said. "He's simply too fast to be caught."

"I'm sure we could find a way. It could be possible that his webs give DNA samples." Aizawa said.

"I'm not sure, it's a very unlikely chance." Nezu said, getting up and walking towards the window, looking out at the students who were now heading home for the day. "It seems impossible to get any sort of information about him."

Aizawa stood up and walked over. "Surely theres a way. We can't just leave him to do what he's doing."

Nezu sighed. "It would take a lot of time, and it would be useless."

A bright screen showed cameras of a certain room. "Oh shit." A deep voice muttered.

Cups and random things clattered together as the owner of the voice scrambled out of his seat and left the room.

He had to call Spiderman.

A Spider's Grasp (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now