• chapter three •

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It had been a few days and Aizawa was still trying to find out information about Spiderman. He looked at pictures of the Vigilante in the news but he could not find any specific details about him.

He was beginning to think there was no point in continuing the search for information.

That was until he got an idea.

He made his way down to the police station and went to Detective Tsukuachi's office.

Aizawa knocked twice, waiting for a response before entering the room.

"Good morning, Eraserhead." Tsukuachi said, placing a stack of papers to the side. "What can I do for you?"

"Morning, Tsukuachi." Aizawa responded, sitting down in a chair infront of the detective. "It's about that Spiderman."

"Hm? What about it?"

"I cant find any sort of information on him, not even a clear photo of him." Aizawa said. "The DNA samples we sent off about his webs ended up dissolving, and all the information was wiped."

Tsukuachi sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Its frustrating. I know."

"But, what if there was something or someone that could possibly get that information back, or find information about Spiderman that we cant see?"

The detective looked at him confused before a look of realisation came over him. "X."

Aizawa nodded. "If anyone could figure out anything, it would be X."

"But what they do is illegal, we dont exactly have a proper alliance with them." Tsukuachi said. "For all we know, they are still taking information from us. X is a Vigilante, just like Spiderman."

"We need help catching Spiderman." Aizawa spoke. "X is our best chance."

Tsukuachi sighed and nodded slightly. "I suppose you're right." He said. "I'll contact X and see if they can help us."

Aizawa stood up to leave. "If X cant help us, I don't know what we can do." And with that, he left the station and headed back for UA.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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