• chapter two •

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The masked vigilante landed ontop of a building, breathing out a sigh as he checked his surroundings before pulling his mask off, running a hand through his hair.

His wrists felt sore from his last fight, it was a close call. He could've been arrested by the heroes. Luckily, he had left right before anyone stronger than him arrived.

He pulled his phone out of a hidden pocket as it rang, he read the caller ID to find it was his friend. X was the alias of his friend. Of course he knew his friends actual name, but they usually referred to eachother with their fake names.

Spiderman accepted the call and held his phone up to his ear, quickly pulling it away as the other loudly spoke. "M/N!"

"Jeez, why so loud?" M/N questioned quietly, putting the phone back to his ear. "What is it, Aki?"

"You know that hero school?" 'Aki' asked, not waiting for an answer. "Well, the principal and one of the heroes there are trying to see if they can find anything about you."

M/N let out a quiet laugh. "Don't worry, no one knows who I am. I'm masked after all."

"That's not what they are looking for." The other responded.

"What are they looking for then?"

M/N could hear his friend take a deep breath from the other side. "They are trying to see if your webs have your DNA."

M/N did not speak at first, he waited. Thinking. Surely they couldn't find out who he was from his webs. "I don't think they can."

Aki spoke again. "Do they dissolve still? Or have you worked on that?"

"They dissolve after two hours now." M/N replied.

"Thank god. Hopefully they don't get results quickly then." Aki said. "If they do, I can always hack into their systems and wipe all data about it."

"Couldn't they always just write it down?" M/N asked, shivering slightly as a slight breeze went past. He looked upon the city infront of him.

"I doubt many people in their business write the details down anymore."

"Let's hope not." M/N let out a nervous laugh. "I'll be back home soon. See ya."

"Bye." The other responded before hanging up.

M/N put his phone down beside him and ran a hand down his face, groaning. "I'm screwed."

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