"Just look at her eyes," Charles said.
"What about her eyes," he questioned.
"They shimmer, like the stars".
Peter turned to look at Florence's face, taking slow steps toward her. He crouched down and gently took her face in his hands, looking her d...
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—————————————————— "The foods ready!."
"Ok! I'm coming."
Florence sprinted down the stairs almost tumbling down if wasn't for the handrail. She ran to the dining room sliding on her fluffy socks as she went, landing perfectly on her favourite chair.
"Whoa, slow down it's only macaroni."
"I know! Why do you think I was running," she said, slightly panting.
"Whatever, ya goof."
Stephan, the eldest of the two stepped in the room with a wide grin on his face.
"What's got you so happy?," Florence asked.
"Oh it's nothing you would understand," he said, Florence rolling her eyes swiftly.
"Hey! I saw that. No rolling of eyes at the dinner table."
"Whatever," she mumbled, taking a scoop out of the macaroni pot.
Stephan sat across from Florence next to Charlie, whispering something in his ear. Charlie snapped his neck toward Florence, brows furrowed.
"You can't do that it would break her heart," Charlie whispered.
"We'll talk about it later, ok?," Stephan responded.
The two of them started staring directly at Florence, who's only care was the food in front of her. That was until Charlie pretended to cough making her stare back at her siblings.
"What do you want now?."
"Oh nothing, it's just the laundry is looking very wet today. I suppose taking them out of the washing machine wouldn't hurt?," Charlie asked, a hint of amusement behind his eyes.
"Fine,"she said slowly standing up and away from her dinner, giving them a menacing glare as she did.
Careful not to slip and bump her head, Florence stepped down the basement stairs terrified of what might be lurking in the dark. Gripping the handrail, she waved her hands in the air trying to find the magical string that made light appear.
Picking up the laundry basket, Florence walked up to the washing machine. Little did she know a glowing white light was slowly floating it's way down the stairs toward her.
As she turned to head up the stairs she saw, just in the corner to her left, a white orb. It glowed oh so brightly, mesmerising even.
Florence as if stuck in a trance, dropped the basket full of clothes and stepped toward the light. She crouched down onto her knees and reached her hand out.
Almost as soon as her hand made contact with the glowing ball it flew into her chest, so fast she didn't even have time to react.
Her body dragged up, floating and fizzling for a second before dropping back down like a rag doll.
Eyes snapping up to the ceiling, she squinted a strange feeling at the pit of her stomach. Almost as if something was wrong, as if she was stronger. As if, if anyone, ANYONE were to talk to her. Make her feel something didn't want to feel. Say something she didn't want to hear. She could kill them.