Putting him to the test pt.2

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Jessica's POV

"Jessica!" I smirked as I heard Luhan call my name. I turned around and gave him a small smile. Luhan stopped running in front of me and panted. He caught his breath and returned my smile. "Hi... I was wondering if you would meet me for dinner tonight." I raised one eyebrow. "As a date?" Luhan shyly rubbed the nape of his neck. "Y-Yes." I shrugged. "Sure" His eyes lit up. "But  I don't think I'm free tonight"

His looked down at his shoes awkwardly. I reached forward and patted his shoulder. "I'll text you later if i'm free to come." He looked up with hopeful eyes and a bright smile. The bell rang. he gave me a shy smile. "I'll be waiting for your answer" He walked away. I let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding. His eyes... smile... I placed a hand over my chest to calm my burning heart as  I walked to class.  What should i text him? Yes or No?

Luhan's POV

it's now 7pm. Jessica hasn't texted me yet. Did she forget? I stared at my phone, not blinking once in case i missed her message. My phone lit up. Jessica! 

From: SiCrush

Pick me up. My address is Camilia estate :) don't be late

I jumped off my bed and checked myself for the last time in the mirror. I sprayed some perfume before taking my valuables and drove to camilia estate where Jessica stays. I slowed down once I was reaching. I leaned against my car and texted her. I've arrived

"Luhan!" I looked up and gasped. {Look at picture) SO STUNNING! God please calm my racing heart "Are you okay?" I blinked and found Jessica right in front of me. Gawd i can kiss you right now... I nodded and stood up straight. "I'm fine" I opened the car door for her.

She thanked me and wore her seatbelt. I gently closed the door and went to the driver's side. I drove to the high class restaurant. Jessica ordered the most expensive dish but didn't finish eating it. I'm okay with it... How can she be so pretty?

After our dinner, I drove her home. when the car braked in front of her estate, I gripped the steering wheel. "Thanks for the treat Luhan" i turned to look at Jessica and returned her smile. "Goodnight" Jessica nodded "You too" She unbuckled her seat belt and was about to open the door. COME ON LUHAN! MAN UP!

Jessica's POV

"jessica?" I turned and found his face inches away from mine. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and responded to the kiss. He pulled away and smiled. "See you tomorrow" i gave him an eyesmile and nodded, "See you" I walked normally until I reached the lobby where he couldn't see me. I touched my lips and squealed. 

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