First meeting

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STORY REQUEST BY  jessica_exosica  I hope you'll like it. Working on chapter two now!

Jessica's POV (Warning: Curse Words)

The snow fell on my hair and his. He smiled warmly and removed snow from my hair. His hands grabbed at my scarf gently and untied it. With a smile, he leaned closer, pulling me gently towards him. I smiled and closed my eyes, heart beating rapidly as I was going to share my ideal kiss with my handsome prince.

"Jessica Jung! Jung Sooyeon!" The teacher slammed his book on my table , making me jump up, knocking my chair over. "Yes Ma'am!" He was fuming as the class burst out laughing.

"Silence!" He yelled. I winced and covered ny ears. The class kept quiet and looked at me and Mr Nam. "Jessica Jung, you will have to serve detention for 3 hours!"

I shrugged and took my backpack, holding my hand out for a slip. Mr Nam handed me one and frowned "Stop daydreaming in my class Miss Jung. I know you're the daughter of a well known businessman but you don't just do what you want in my class."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him "Whatever jackass" The class were full of whispers. 'Woah... She's so cool!'   'She's got some nerves'  'So daring!' I smirked and walked to detention room. On the way, I bumped into Sunny and Tiffany who were giggling. "Hey 2Ny" They grinned back "Sup Sica"

Sunny eyed me suspiciously "Let me guess... Detention?" I nodded and took the slip out of my pocket. Tiffany giggled, her eyes forming into crescents "Have fun then, we'll go first. Bye~" She waved and dragged Sunny away.

I waved back before walking into detention room. I slipped the paper slip on the desk and sat in my usual seat in the far corner.  I placed my back on the table beside mine and crossed my legs. My prince... who are you? You've been in my dream a lot but with a blurred face...Who? Why?

"Excuse me." I mentally groaned and sighed. What is it now? I turned to face the source of interruption and was shocked when I found a boy's face near mine. I moved back a little and frowned. "What do you want, kid?"

He chuckled "I'm not a kid. My name is Luhan. Xi Luhan. You're seating on my seat."

I frowned even more "What the fucking hell do you mean? This is MY seat. I've been sitting here for the past few years for detention"

He scratched his head in confusion "Weird. I've never seen you before. I've been sitting here for the past few years too"

I mentally facepalmed myselves "There's different days for detention, idiot."

He pouted before smiling again and sitting beside me. "So what's your name?"

I looked at him once he was levelled with me. Hm... taller. cute. handsome. but such an idiot. "Jung Sooyeon. Call me Jessica" He grinned widely "So you're Krystal's unnie"

"How do you know Krystal?" He shrugged "Just met at the school field. She said she was looking for you but when a guy called her, she ran to him."

I let out a small sigh. That playgirl... "Oh well, nice to meet you. And bye bye"

I rested my head on both of my hands. For an hour, he didn't bother me. I snapped out of my dreamland, frustrated that the prince of my life was still blurred out. I heaved out a sigh and looked out of the window.  I frowned seeing two guys standing there, looking at me, pointing beside me.

I looked beside me and found Luhan sleeping. I gently shook him. "Yah! Ireonna!" When that didn't work, I pinched his ear. He woke up with a yelp. I let go and looked at the teacher's desk. Where the hell is the teacher? Oh well...

Luhan stood up and rubbed his ear "Yah! JESSICA! Don't you know how much that hurts?"  I just shrugged and started packing my bag "Your friends are at the window" I pointed to the window beside us. Luhan went to the window and talked to them. He paused and turned to look at me "See you again!" He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and took my bag, running out of detention room. I went to the library where Yoona was leaning against a bookshelf, talking to a boy. I went to her and dragged her away from the boy "You are such a playgirl Yoon"

Yoon flipped her hair "Can't help it. I'm FABULOUS~"

We both laughed as we walked to our hangout.  That Luhan dude is so weird... Why am I even thinking about him?! Aish... I hope I don't meet him again.


I hope this story is okayyyy.


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