chapter 29

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Today is the day, Ryujin and I are going to meet. My sister is coming with me which worked out well. It might be suspicious if I leave by myself.

We're in the car with my sister driving, "Are you nervous?" She ask me.

"Extremely. Do I look okay?" I ask. I just wore something casual. I wear a summer dress with flats. I did curl my hair a little bit to have wavy look.

"Gorgeous. You're really trying to impress this girl with your looks?" My sister laughs.

"I don't know. I've never tried to impress another girl before" I say.

We agreed to meet at a park near my house. My sister parks the car and my hand starts to feel sweaty. My heart is beating crazy and I feel like I have to poop.

"Relax. I can tell you're freaking out" my sister says.

"I can't help it. This is a big moment."

I keep looking around to see if I can find her.

"Is that them?" My sister points at two girls running. It looks one is chasing the other.

We get out of the car and we hear the girl with red hair screaming at the other girl.

"Get back here, you imbecile!" She says.

The other girl is just laughing. The girl laughing looks like Ryujin. I can't tell right away since they're still kind of far way.

We walk closer to them and I see that it is Ryujin.

"That's Ryujin" I say to my sister.

I think they finally notice us because they stop running. I see Ryujin trying to straighten out her clothes and it's cute.

She's wearing cargo pants with a plaid button up shirt. She looks really good in it for some reason.

They start walking to us and I see her friend, I'm assuming.

The closer they get, the more I want to run away. I'm so nervous.

My sister moves closer to me then leans in, "She's really good looking."

I'm still frozen in place though. I feel like I'm seeing Ryujin walk in slow motion. She's smiling at me and waving. Why is her smile so damn perfect?

"Ello ladies" Ryujin greets.

"You really say ello even in person huh?" I ask, laughing. Why am I laughing? I'm so nervous.

"Of course" she smiles at me.

"I'm Ryujin and this is my friend Charyeong" she introduces herself to my sister since I'm too frozen to introduce my own sister.

Karina shakes her hand, "I'm Karina. The better looking sister."

"You are beautiful" Ryujin says making me frown. Is she really flirting with my sister in front of me?

"But I beg to differ. I think Yeji is the most beautiful one" Ryujin continues. Now I'm blushing like crazy and I cover my face with my hands.

"Don't cover your beautiful face" Ryujin now is talking to me.

"Are you always like this?" I ask still blushing.

"Yes she's always like this" her friend answers instead.

"Chaeryeong? Right? We should leave the two alone to talk" Karina suggests and Chaeryeong just nods.

It's just the two of us now.

She stands right in front of me. I didn't realize she's shorter than me until now.

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