chapter 14

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After the conversation with Ryujin about my possible pregnancy, thankfully I'm not pregnant, I began to distance myself from him. We would still talk here and there. We would play video games together or talk on the phone. Ryujin is back with his ex but I guess they would constantly fight because she doesn't like that Ryujin talks to me.

My mother and John went home after my birthday. It wasn't a bad birthday. We went out to eat. I appreciated Dana not being an ass in front of my mom

I'm starting to try again with Dana too. I can't continue developing feelings for Ryujin when he clearly just sees me as a friend.

kitty_purrfect: Can we talk tonight? Like over the phone.

hard_carryy0: uhh yea sure. I won't be able to talk until late though. Lia and I have plans tonight

kitty_purrfect: that's fine

I sigh while staring at my phone. Lia, Ryujin's ex girlfriend and now girlfriend again. I never thought I would hate a name.

"Yeji!" Dana yells my name.

I look at him, "What?"

"I've called your name so many times and you didn't answer. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. What did you need?" I ask him.

"I'm asking you to start streaming on twitch. Come on. I'll take care of everything, you just have to show up on camera and play games" he begs.

"Why don't you do it if you want to stream so much?" I ask annoyed now.

"Because no one wants to watch a guy do it. They want someone pretty like you" I suddenly feel myself blush. Dana doesn't really call me pretty a lot.

"Fine I'll do it but if I start to feel uncomfortable I want to be able to stop whenever I want" I say.

He jumps up and kisses me before leaving.

kitty_purrfect: Guess who's gonna be a twitch streamer now?

hard_carryy0: Uhm I'm not sure. Eva? Lol

kitty_purrfect: funny but you should watch me play if you're not busy

hard_carryy0: I wouldn't miss it for the world :)

Sometimes I feel like Ryujin is sending me mixed signals or is he just this naturally flirty or maybe he's just being nice and I'm the one thinking he's flirting.

Dana is too excited for this twitch thing, he's already got the guest room set up. "We can do it this weekend okay?" He says like a little kid.

"I'll monitor you and everything" he continues.

"Dana, are you gonna watch Eva then? While monitoring the stream?" I ask.

"Nope. Asked my mom if she could watch her so she will be spending the night at my parents" he says making me upset because he didn't ask me if that was okay.

"You do know I'm her mom right? You should have informed me instead of deciding this on your own" I raise my voice a bit.

"Yeji, stop being dramatic. That's her grandparents. You act like I asked a friend to do it" Dana shakes his head at me.

"Why do you never try to understand my point of view? It's always about you. You don't see us as partners so how do you expect me to want to marry you?" I ask lowering my voice again.

"What's there to understand? You're always so dramatic about everything. Why is it so hard for you to marry me? We live together, have a kid together, go on family events together so why is it hard? When nothing is gonna change except for a piece of paper declaring our marriage?" Dana now asks.

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