chapter 38

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While my family is getting drunk, all I can think about is if Ryujin is okay. I keep texting her but she's not replying. I'm not sure if I'm worried or I just miss her already. If I miss her then this is bad because how am I going to be okay when she goes back home.

I hear people talking so I look around to find them. I see Travis and my cousin but I don't see Ryujin. As I run towards them, I see Ryujin behind them carrying one of my female cousin. Seeing them made me angry for some reason.

I run up to her, "Why are you the one carrying her?"

"She got hurt but she wasn't comfortable with a guy carrying her and none of your other cousins that's female are strong enough" Ryujin answers.

She finds a chair nearby and finally let go of my cousin. I glare at her and pull Ryujin away.

"What's wrong Yeji?" She ask.

"I didn't like seeing you with her. I didn't like how close your bodies were together. I don't like how jealous I am right now. I've never been the jealous type. Is it like this with same sex relationships? I honestly don't remember being this jealous with my other relationships."

She smiles at me, "I don't think jealousy is a straight thing. When you have feelings for someone, it's natural to get jealous but too much jealousy can become toxic. Do you trust me?"

The sudden question surprise me, "I'm trying. I trust you but the fear doesn't go away? If that make sense, I just feel like sometimes you're too good to be true so I get scared one day you'll wake up and realize that I'm not this amazing girl you think I am."

She sits me down, keeping her hands on my shoulders and looks down into my eyes, "Why do you feel like that? How come it's so hard for you to see yourself in a positive light?"

I look away, "I've always been told that I'm a bitch and useless. Depressed girl who makes people around me feel uncomfortable."

"Who said those?"

"My exes" I say slowly.

She makes me look at her again, "I will make it one of my goals to help you see yourself the way I see you. Your exes are just insecure about themselves so they put you down to make themselves feel better. So many people can try to come between us but I will not let them tear us apart. At the end of the day, it's you I'll go home to."

I start tearing up. Sometimes I feel like I'm being crazy with her and unreasonable. I'm feeling new things I've never felt. I'm not sure how to act in a same sex relationship but somehow she makes it seem so natural for me.

"Sometimes I forget you're younger than me because you're so mature" I smile.

"Will you stay longer for Eva's birthday?" I blurt out looking away from her.

Again, she makes me look at her, "Why do you keep looking away from me? But to answer your question, I'll see what I can do okay?"

I nod maintaining eye contact. I notice her eyes look down then back to my eyes. She finally let go of my shoulders and starts leaning down putting one hand on the table next to me to support herself. My hands starts feeling sweaty, is she gonna kiss me?

Our lips are less than an inch apart, I close my eyes waiting for her. "I love you, Yeji" she whispers and I feel her warm breath on my lips. Before I can respond, she presses her lips against mine.

I feel butterflies in my stomach go crazy and I get lost from the feeling of her lips to mine. She starts moving her lips and I follow her movements. I wrap my arms around her neck to bring her down closer to me. At this moment, I feel like it's just the two of us in this world.

"Woohoo! Go Ryujin!" I hear my sister yell.

We stop kissing but stay in the same position. She turns her head to look at my sister while I hide my face on her neck. She smells so good, her cologne is making my mind go wild then I remember my cousin who probably smelled Ryujin earlier.

I had the urge to bite Ryujin's neck so I did.

She stands back up holding her neck, "Ow! Why did you do that for?"

"I'm sorry. You smell so good I wanted to eat you. Im sorry" I say.

"Dang Yeji, I didn't expect you to be so aggressive" my sister teases.

"I'm not but she just smells so yummy" I cover my face after realizing what I said.

Ryujin laughs and leans back down so her mouth is by my ear, "Don't worry. I think you're quite yummy too" she stands back up and winks at me.

I feel my face get hot and I want to run away.

"Yeji, your face is so red right now" my sister points out.

I glare at her because she keeps making things worse. I look at Ryujin and she's just staring at me. I don't know how but I feel her love through her eyes.

"I should probably take Eva. My mom is probably extremely drunk right now" I say before running away.

"Yeji!" Ryujin calls my name but I don't stop. I'm filled with so many emotions right now. I don't know how to sort them out. One thing for sure is I feel happy.

I take Eva from my mom and take her to my room. I lay her down on my bed and I lay next to her.

"Eva, Ryujin kissed mommy earlier" I touch my lips thinking back to earlier.

"I have a problem" I sigh. Eva stares at me with a worried look.

I smile at her, "I might become addicted to her kiss."

Ryujin enters the room, "I can't believe you just left me down there."

"You're a big girl. I'm sure you can handle it"  I tease.

"But I'd rather handle you" She smiles.

I smack her, "Eva is here."

It's weird that I don't feel uncomfortable when she says stuff like that but I'm scared thinking about it. What if after we do it, she won't like me anymore. Or she will think I'm not good enough and compare me to her ex.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts when she speaks again. "Actually Eva and I had a talk and an agreement about it" she teases me back.

"Shut up" I say.

She lays down on the other side of Eva. "Are you tired?" I ask.

"A little. Your family is full of energy and so welcoming so I was being pulled left and right today."

"You're the first person I brought home that they actually like" I say making her look at me.

"Really? That's a shock. They seem like really chill people" she says.

"You like to go along with their craziness. My exes would always say no but in like a snobby way. Like the things my family likes to do is beneath them" I say.

I sit up wanting to talk to her about our future. She must have sense my seriousness since she sits up to and looks at me, waiting for me to say something.

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