meet up(ch3)

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Y/n's pov:

i ran into someone.
with brown eyes curly hair..
"s-sorry are you okay?"
i said.

"yes, i should be the one saying sorry i was the one not looking infront of me"

"My names mirabel madrigal"
mirabel said.

madrigal? is she a cousin? sister? of dolores.

"uhmm, my names y/n"
i introudouced myself.

"are you.....y/n y/l/n???"
mirabel said
which shocked me alittle

how...did she knew my full name?


"how did you knew my last name? "
I said.

"oh! dolores talks about you alot"


I blushed alittle.

she..talks about me?

"alright well i have things to do bye!~"

"o-okay! bye mirabel."
i said

thinking of what she said earlier

made me smile...

Dolores pov:

Did mirabel talk to someone.?

Oh my...she told y/n that i talk about him alot?..

mentally face palming myself for embarrasment..


somone talked behind me which shocked me was..

it was. y/n.

"EEK-h-hey y/n---"

"why so surprised its just me?"
he said with a calm voice.

theres nothing wrong.. just the fact that the thing that mirabel told you...

"oh its not-nothing. you just startled me."

"oh alright."

"wait. i have something to tell you."

y/n let out a hmmm?

"can we meet at the cafe later? maybe 3pm?"

y/n smiled

"sure. 3pm then it is."


cliff hanger purposely🤪

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