Part 12

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The two men arrived at the entrance to a forest, the forest seemed to have been greatly touched by the rot. The trees were completely void of leaves and covered in black rot. The two men entered the forest, Acastus was on his guard gripping the hilt of his sword strongly. Kalib was not, he merely walked on not even thinking of drawing his magnificent pickaxe. Acastus observed every tree and dark spot in the forest, making sure no surprises awaited them. He clearly did not observe well enough, for Kalib suddenly shoved his hand into Acastus' chest, signaling him to stop. "What is it Kalib? See something?" Acastus asked, turning his head around fervently. "Yes Acastus, I fear something is following us," Kalib appeared serious.

"Where? Should I look around? Or should I remain still? Kalib what do I do?" Acastus began to panic. "Oh Acastus I fear you can't do anything, you see it follows your every step, you will never escape it," Kalib said ominously. Acastus began to shiver, "Kalib what does that mean, stop being cryptic whats following me?" Acastus panicked even more. "It's your shadow idiot," Kalib started laughing. Acastus whacked Kalib with his sword, "Oh very funny, you're such a joker, I nearly wet myself you know?" Acastus let out a sigh of relief. "Relax Acastus, you're as stiff as a fence post, There's no leaves or bushes, so no one can sneak up on us, plus I doubt a giant horseman can be sneaky," Kalib laughed. "Well that gives you no reason to make my heart stop, I already have the rot doing that I don't need you to hasten the process," Acastus frowned. Suddenly arrows came flying out from the trees and the sound of galloping became louder and louder.

"I take it that's also my shadow Kailb?" Acastus smiled, ducking behind Kalib for cover. "Ok smart ass this is not the time for I told you so's," Kalib rolled his eyes. Hundreds of arrows came flying at Kalib but broke on impact with his skin. Suddenly a spear flew to his face. Kalib caught it with one hand and snapped it with his thumb. He gave a rather nasty sneer. It was clear the attackers realized that projectiles were not efficient against the giant warrior so they proceeded to charge at Kalib. Dozens of centaurs charged at Kalib pointing their spears at him. Kalib did not attempt to defend himself or run away, he merely shoved Acastus closer to him, and waited for the horsemen to get closer. One centaur thrust his spear at Kalib, the spear broke between his eyes and the large man kicked the leg of the centaur breaking it, sending him to the ground. He grabbed an oncoming centaur's spear and while the horseman was still clinging onto it, swung it over his head and sent the centaur flying into a tree causing it to fall on top of several other horsemen. Acastus thrust his sword out from his side, slicing the legs clean off a passing centaur. The remaining centaur formed a half-circle around Kalib.

"I won't kill any of you, but I will break as many bones as possible until you speak to me!" Kalib said with a serious tone. The centaur warriors all looked at one another, one shrugged, sheathed his weapon, and stepped forward. He had the lower body of a horse, and the torso similar to that of a human. The horseman was quite attractive, all of them were. He had a long slender face, with two pointy ears. His eyes were as white as snow, as was his long hair. He had a rather well-developed body, not too big but exceptionally muscular, covered in tribal markings. "I'm listening dugan, you have our attention," The centaur said with a serious tone. "I'm sorry for causing your people harm, it was not my intention, I was attacked and I merely defended myself," Kalib explained. "I understand dugan, forgive us but we are not accustomed to outsiders entering our lands, especially ones carrying weapons. I am however grateful that despite your great power you did not kill any of my people. Might I know your name stranger?" The centaur asked politely. "I am Kalib of Ambracia, I have been sent by the lady of these lands to investigate the sudden hostility your people show towards the minotaurs as well as the growing rot killing every living thing," Kalib said with a calm tone. "I see, no doubt you wish to speak with our elder? I normally would not allow such a thing, but it's clear there's no stopping you," The centaur grinned. "I mean you no harm, I merely wish to receive answers," Kalib nodded his head slightly to the side. "Very well Kalib of Ambracia, follow us," the centaur turned around and began to trod slowly forward while the rest collected their injured brothers. "What if they lead us into a trap Kalib?" Acastus asked cautiously. "Then it would be the last trap they'll ever set."

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