The Christmas Invasion Part 1

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**I do not own Doctor who or any of it's characters. I only own my OC and other original plot changes.**
(Ill be doing it episode by episode so it'll be a long story, might leave a few out but we'll see.)


"No no no! It's all wrong!"
A slim girl, looking about around 21 with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes taps furiously on a device on her wrist.
"What is it? Like the 87th try? And still nothing! And what year is this anyway?! 1856? Blimey, Stupid thing." She says as she starts running, tapping away at the device and hitting it every once in a while.
The girl disappears in what seems to be a flash of light.
The girl skids to a stop as the bright flash of light appears in a different time, for a moment seemingly launching her.
Catching her breath she looks at the device and mumbles. "1915. Nice year I guess, Defiantly London."
Passerby's look at the girl weirdly but she ignores them as she starts sniffing the air in deep breaths. Sighing she brushes her hair out of her face looking around as she looks around sadly.
"Not here either...where are you?"


2006, London.

In the distance a blue police box is twirling out of control crashing into things as it skids to the ground, knocking over bins in the process. The blue boxes door flys open and a man, looking around 25 with brown hair and brown eyes wearing a leather jacket that is too big for him stumbles out.
"Here we are, then! London! Earth! The Solar System! We did it!"
He exclaims happily, looking around mouth open, as a teenage boy and a women with blonde hair walk up to him the man looks over and finally notices them.
"Jackie! Mickey! Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on."
He says as he stumbles backwards a bit.
"Wait there, I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you. Something important, what was it? No, hold on, hold on..."
He walks up to the two putting his hands on there shoulders.
"Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush... OH!" Jackie and Mickey jump at his sudden outburst." I know!"
He looks at them both, panting a bit and grins.
"Merry Christmas!" The brown haired man falls to the ground unconscious. A few seconds later a blonde teenage girl walks out of the box and sees him on the ground.
"What happened? Is he all right?" The girl, Rose Tyler asks.
"I don't know. He just keeled over. But who is he? Where's the Doctor?"
Mickey questions, not quite getting at what's happening.
Rose looks down at the man, a little upset.
"That's him, right in front of you. That's the Doctor."
" What do you mean that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" Jackie Tyler asks, very confused as Mickey was as well.


"No." Flash.
"No." Flash.
"Ah ha! Wait no." Flash.

Impatiently the girl continues to go to different time zones, getting fed up with the fact that she hasn't found anything yet.
Sighing in defeat she sits down on the ground, not caring for the looks people gave her as they walked by.
She never really cared what others thought of her and she wouldn't start to. She rummages through her skinny jeans pocket and pulls out a lollipop.
Sticking it in her mouth she takes in her surroundings.
London defiantly. Probably around 2001. Always London, She didn't know why, it just seemed right to go to London. And mostly cause there's always been a lot of alien sightings in London. I mean, who couldn't resist?
'Eh, cute little town.' She thought to herself as she moved the lollipop around in her mouth.
"What am I gonna do?" Mumbling to herself she tugs at the ends of her long hair.
"I've checked almost everywhere and I still end up with nothing."
She sighs. She notices she seems to be doing that a lot.
"How long have I been looking? I don't really remember much.., should I just give up?"
She blinks. Abruptly she stands blinking rapidly.
"What the hell am I saying?! Give up?! What's wrong with you!" She shouts as she slaps herself in the face as if trying to slap some sense into them. Which she probably is.
"Never give up! Never ever! You promised!" She continues to slap her face until she notices people stopped to watch her.
"What are you looking at?!" She shouts, looking at them.
They slowly walk away, the girl grumbling to herself as she walks back into the alleyway, clicking away at the device on her wrist, zapping her into another time zone.

Time Candy? What? (Doctor who 10/OC) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now