The Christmas Invasion Part 2

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***Again I don't own Doctor Who, it's characters or any of their plots. The only thing I own is my OC and slight plot difference with the addition of side scenes or stories.***



-3rd person-

Back at the Tyler's flat the Doctors lying in bed still asleep, while Rose sits on the edge of the bed staring at him.
Jackie walks in carrying a stethoscope.

"Here we go. Tina the Cleaner's got this lodger, medical student. And she was fast asleep, so I just took it."
The older Tyler says as she hands her daughter the stethoscope then sits on the bed.
"Though, I still say we should take him to hospital."

Rose pulls out the stethoscope from her ears as she just put them in a moment before.

"We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race."

Jackie opens her mouth to reply but she gets cut off.
"No! Shush!"

Jackie shuts up while Rose puts the stethoscope back in her ears and places the other piece on the Doctors chest. Listening, she hears his heart beating normally. Then she moves it a little farther to the other side of his chest. Hearing the other one working as well she pulls the stethoscope out of her ears.

"Both working."
"What d'you mean 'both'?"
"Well, he's got two hearts."
"Oh, don't be stupid."
Jackie cried, not believing it at all.
"He has!"
Rose declares as she walks to the door.
"Anything else he's got two of?"
Rose turns around.
"Leave him alone."

Rose leaves the room and Jackie peers at the Doctor for a bit longer before following her out.
As soon as they left the room, yellow dust comes out of the Doctors mouth, floats in the air and out the window up into the sky.


Panting the girl runs into a cafe, earning weird looks from people.
Catching her breath she walks up to the counter still breathing a little heavily.

"One hot chocolate please and a dozen of your chocolate chip cookies."

The employee, who doesn't even look up states the amount in a very obviously fake, cheery voice.
The girl pays and walks over to an empty table near the window peering out at all the people walking around.

"2003." She whispers.
"Now why am I not jumping farther then a few years?"
She couldn't help but feel like something's chewing at the back of her mind, just waiting for her to figure it out. She was never good at remembering things that were most important at times. At least, not in this body. Or....most of them for that matter. Oh how she constantly got teased by her brother about how she could never focus on the important things, especially in the Academy. Always the airhead in his eyes. It's not like she wasn't smart. In fact she excelled in her classes, when she focused.
There was just always something to bring her attention elsewhere then where it should've been. Whether it was a device that needed fixing, or a flower that needed picking. Or a personal favorite of hers, a song that needed writing. There was always something.

As her brain turns with ideas she doesn't even notice one of the employees calling out her number.
Startled the girl looks up to see an older woman standing by the table looking at her in worry.

"You okay miss?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I am. Perfectly fine" She declares a little too quickly.
Not believing her but knowing not to ask any further the older woman holds out a bag and a coffee cup with a smile.

Time Candy? What? (Doctor who 10/OC) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now