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Ashtray x f! reader

Rue narrating
Y/n was the perfect girl at her school she was the girl everyone wanted to be pretty and shorter than average with a nice smile and perfect hair but the thing most people loved about her was her love for people, she always help with anyone's problems even if she didn't know them that well, she was everyone's therapist if anyone needed to solve their problem they could go to y/n. But no one would ask how y/n was doing or if she was ok, no one checked on her until she met Ashtray.

Y/ns pov
I was walking home from school but I saw a little store that was open on the other side of the road, I walked over there and was greeted by two boys behind the register, the red-haired one leaning against the wall and the other one sitting on the counter, I guessed they were brothers. They both noticed me and the younger boy with two tattoos on his face said something to me "hi how are you today" I looked up at him with a warm smile "I'm fine thank you for asking" he returned a smile "no problem do you need help finding something" the shop was small and looked easy enough to find a sneak or something "I think I'll be fine" I said he nodded his head and went back to talking to his brother. I walked around the store and got a bag of candy some snacks and a coke, as I walked up to the register the older boy nudged the younger one and then came up to the counter, as he was scanning my items he looked at me " I've never seen you here you new" he asked "no I've lived here for a couple of months I just haven't been around before" I told him "well I'm Fezco and this is Ashtray" Ashtray looked at me and I blushed a little " I'm y/n" Ashtray got off the counter and faced towards me "that's a pretty name for a pretty girl" he said and smirked at me, this time it wasn't a little blush my whole face was red. After I paid for my snacks I walked out and waved to them, thinking about what Ashtray said I smiled and walked home.

As the months went by faster I would hang out with Ashtray and Fezco and not soon after I met them I also met Rue she would tell me about all the shit that would go down at school and we would hang out just us, last time we hung out she keeps asking me about Ashtray. "So y/n when are you and Ashtray gonna get together," she asked me, I looked at her with a confused expression "what are you talking about him and I are just friends," I said " oh yeah sure" "ok fine I might have some feelings for him but it's not like he likes me back" " are you serious he's always talking about you when I hang out without you and have you seen the way he stares at you there are hearts in his eyes every time he looks at you," she said to me but I still couldn't believe her, there's no way hs could like me.

A few weeks passed but nothing changed between Ashtray and y/n. But something did change with y/n she stop coming to the store as regularly as she used to and when she did she never seemed to be fully awake. Of course, everyone was still dumping their problems on her and she was getting tired of it she didn't say anything though, there was also things going on at home with her parents Ashtray was starting to get worried about her so one of the days she came by to get some ibuprofen Ashtray dragged her into the back and sat her down on the couch

He looked at her with a concerned look "ok you've been acting sad lately what's wrong" she looked back at him "nothings wrong I'm fine" she said looking like she was about to burst into tears "y/n I know you're lying you can tell me" she looked at him as a tear fell down her cheek. When Ashtray noticed he ran to her side and held her In his arms. By now she was balling her eyes out on his shirt he rubbed her back and keep whispering soft things to try and calm her down. After a couple of minutes she stopped crying and looked up at him "do you want to talk about it" she told him how everyone was dumping their problems on her and her parents kept fighting and she couldn't get any sleep. After just sitting there for a while Ashtray told asked her if she needed a ride home after she didn't respond he noticed she was sleeping in his arms, Ashtray let y/n sleep and told fez that she should stay with them for the night. While Fez was closing down Ashtray picked y/n up in his arms and started carrying her to the car he sat in the back with her to make sure nothing happened. They drove to their house and Ashtray took y/n into his room she was already wearing pajamas pants and one of the sweaters he gave her a while ago, he tucked her under the covers and was about to leave when y/n grabbed his wrist "stay with me please" she asked him "I don't want to take up all the bed I can sleep on the couch" he said to her "no I want you to stay with me" she whispered still really tired "ok let me change first" he said getting some sweat pants from his drawers he went to his bathroom to change and came out with out a shirt only his sweat pants on, y/n looked at him and smiled "what are you smiling at" Ashtray asked her "oh nothing you just look cute" he blushed slightly before getting under the cover, he sat there looking at the ceiling before he felt y/n cuddle into his chest, he looked down at her and kissed her forehead "I love you y/n goodnight" she smiled to herself "I love you too Ash" and snuggled into him more, they fell asleep together and Fez walked in because he needed to ask Ashtray something, he snapped a quick picture and sent it to Rue.

 They drove to their house and Ashtray took y/n into his room she was already wearing pajamas pants and one of the sweaters he gave her a while ago, he tucked her under the covers and was about to leave when y/n grabbed his wrist "stay with me ple...

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Yo, Rue ain't they cute

Oh damn I knew they liked each other

Everyone knew

Ok Fez let them sleep now they're probably tired

Damn, fine
Ok guys I know it's been like two days but like I'm on my period and I'm tired asf sorry this one is pretty long I think it's cute hehe ok bye hoes

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