Chapter 12: Flames of War

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With everyone trying to recover from the attack, the Nishizumi has disappeared in the mist. Miho gets everyone to go back to their school ships, and St. Gloriana has agreed to take the students of Saunders onto their school ship (mainly because Darjeeling wants to see Kay for some unspecified reason) and Miho goes back to her apartment. She sat down, then her mother gave her a call.

"Miho? Is everyone all right there? Are you ok?" Her mother was very worried for her.

"Yes mom, I'm safe here at Oarai. But about my sister..."

"She is no longer your sister. A disgrace to the Nishizumi family that has been kicked out. Now, I know you don't want to inherit the Nishizumi style. It's ok."

Miho gasped as she would never expect her mother to say that, especially at a time like this where Maho is gone and she is the only heir to the Nishizumi style. 

"I was terribly wrong in my ways of teaching you. I shouldn't have forced you to fight in the Nishizumi style. Now, I have to go. Remember, I love you Miho."

"Love you too, mother." They hang up and Miho tried to comprehend all that information. He sister was no longer her sister, just another enemy of humanity.

In another continent, Adolf Hitler and Maho Nishizumi were getting officially married. The two of them stood under a hanging flag of the New Reich. Hitler quietly slips a wedding ring onto Maho's finger. The Nazi officials all clapped, and Reichsführer Himmler announced,

"Mein Führer and Mein Führerin, will you promise to love each other until the end of this universe?"

"Yes, we shall."

"HEIL HITLER UND MAHO!" The Nazi officials and the millions watching the live tv broadcast all saluted the New Reich's leaders. 

Meanwhile, the Nazi army was moving through Europe, conquering one country after another. They had given a broadcast to all Neo-Nazis and Far-Right organizations a day in advance, so that they could join the army as well. The Eiffel Tower in France had been destroyed, and the Nazis replaced it with a black tower that had their flags hanging from the top, named the Reich Tower. The Mediterranean Sea was completely covered by the Nazis' ice weapons, then had dirt and sand laid over it, creating a flat piece of land which allowed the Nazis to move across it into Africa. Erika herself, however, was directing the panzer divisions to attack Asia, on the Eastern Front. 

"Comrade Stalin, we have eliminated all opposing forces in Russia, and it will be the Eternal Soviet Empire from this second onwards! Our armies are combating Nazi soldiers on the Eastern Front!" Nonna was reporting the newest information to Stalin, who was still adjusting himself in Klara's body. If only I had a d... Stalin stares at Nonna's breasts, and she blushed when she realized the USSR leader was staring at her.

"Oh, about the Eastern Front, please tell our factories to speed up production of the Main Battle Tanks. They should be able to combat the newest Nazi tanks. When you're done, come back here."

"Glory to the ESE!"

On the Eastern Front, a Panzer Division rolled through an abandoned village, destroying brick houses with ease. Their multipurpose tracks allowed them to move swiftly through the snow, even for the heavy tanks which weighed more than 50 tons, due to their powerful engines. The leading tank, a Befehlseidechse (Commanding Eidechse) with the Nazi flag on it, stopped abruptly. The commander took his binoculars and looked out of his commanding hatch. A row of 20 Soviet T-14 Armata tanks were coming towards them.

"Enemies up ahead! Open fire!"

Their division consisted of 12 Adler light tanks, 27 Schlange medium tanks, 11 Panzer XIV Pferd heavy tanks, 8 Panzer XVII Nilpferd heavy tanks, a Befehlseidechse medium tank and 6 Jagdpanzer XVI Jagdstachelrochen tank destroyers. The tanks fired in unison. While most were the old-fashioned single-shot guns, some were like shotguns that fired multiple shells, while others had magazines that fired many shells continuously in an endless wave. As they were firing on the move, not all shells hit their targets. Others ricocheted off the enemy armor, but some of the shells penetrated through the armor and blew up inside. Flammable liquid sprayed all over the interior and the crew members, then burst into flames. Ammo racks blew up, sending turrets into the air, and fire burst through every opening on the tank as its crew burned to ashes. Only two T-14 Armata tanks survived, and they fired back, immobilizing a Schlange and a Jagdstachelrochen. The second wave of shells came, and both tanks were gone, 55 tonnes of metal completely vaporized. The Nazi panzer division moved past the destroyed Soviet tanks and headed further into Soviet territory, but unbeknownst to them, three pairs of eyes were observing them from under a pile of snow. 

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