Meeting the Fam

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One evening Me and my fam were sitting in my neighbors pool on a pineapple floaty. But before I get further in the story let me instudoose my fam! My mom's name is Jasmine and she is 40 my dads name is James and his age is 41 then my siblings are Maddie she is 8 Teddy is 16 and Allison 5 and my name is Steph and I am 11 now back to my story. When all of a sudden my mom got a strange phone call. She answered it and the number read unknown. A strange voice appeared  it sounded like very screechy then a voice crack. They said the following: "You should come back to your house before he comes." My fam and I gasped and fell of the floaty. We dried off like a dog napping in the sun all wet. We ran home in our wet clammy and soggy crocs. Once we got home we saw our flower beds were messed up and our hose was running. We ran inside and EVERYTHING was messed up! BUt of course my 5 year old sister did not care only because she had to do a wee and a poo. So my mom took her. All of a sudden when we were walking up the stairs we heard a really loud scream coming from the attic! We freaked out and ran outside to the backyard! We noticed our dog came running to us with a  scared look on his face! We were all scared to even step foot in our house again! But then we remembered that mom and sis were still inside and my mom was wiping her butt!  I looked up in the windows that lead to the upstairs bathroom and I was a fluffy like thing running in their! I showed my dad and he ran inside to get my mom and sister but luckily as my dad was running my mom and sis came running out.

The ostrich in my atticDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora