Chapter 2

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[A/N: can someone please elaborate and teach me how the hell the calendar in Mushoku Tensei works?]

I quickly run outside of the room and closed the door, I already closed the chest and took the key too of course, before going to the kitchen.

I quickly stopped and hide the Grimoire behind my back, there is a mystery that must be solved first!

"Hey, dad!"

"Yeah? what's got you so excited, Jeanne?" He smiles softly and get on his knees to my eye level.

'If I were a father, I'd definitely strive to be like him.'

It seems he noticed something I'm holding onto behind my back.


After calling her for lunch, I set my attention back to setting up the plates and the lunch I made using my own freshly grown vegetables.

'I'm glad I decided to take her in instead, seeing the condition of the orphanage and no people want to accept her just because of her hair back then... As much as it is hard to believe, she's a complete human. Maybe her ancestors were once a demon themselves. In case of it, I decided to raise her myself, the people here were kind enough to show me the way.'

Hearing her footsteps closer, I decided to wait until she arrives-- but, she seems to be holding something behind her back.

"So, what is it, Jeanne?"

"Um, I found this strange book inside dad's chest, is this a magic book?"

She asked innocently, presenting the same book I found 3 years ago in that forest.

"Hm, no.. I found it during one of my adventure, but I don't know anything about that book. I suppose you can keep it, it's just an empty old book. Oh and..."

'I just realized something.'

"How did you open the chest?"

"Hehehe.. I took the key from dad's study table."

"Jeanne, next time if you want to do something like that, ask me first okay?"


She nodded while returning the key to my hand, I honestly forgot this exists.

"Good. Let's eat before it gets cold, I have something to ask you and I think it's time for you to start having friend."


I nodded, watching her climbing up the chair.

"Yeah, Paul's son, Rudeus, I just realized I never really introduced you to him. I'm sure you'll get along with him."

I think I saw her face going pale for a second?

"A- ahaha... Y- yes, we are going to get along well together for sure..."

"I'm glad to hear that and.. what do you think is interesting the most, Jeanne? Swords or Magic?"


'Getting along with that pervert?! Hell nah, I never would want to, I bet he's going to harass me if he gets the chance. I'd rather be friends with slyphy.'

"...Swords.. or magic..?" I repeat gently, thinking through the choice.

'Why so suddenly? Still, I think it's an important question though, Hmm.. Magic sure is interesting but... I have to be manaless if I want to be able to use Anti-Magic. Wasn't battle aura something that needs Mana too? Damnit, It's getting more complicated now.. I guess I can choose to train in swordmanship and use Ki-sensing to balance things. And it looks I'm going to have to go through Asta's rigorous training if I want to be able to fully utilize Anti-Magic.'

"...I think swords is interesting."

Dad nods in understanding, his hands busy separating vegetable he'd eat later in his plate.

'An odd habit for sure.'

"I understand, I know you're still young but seeing how fast you learn, especially knowing how to read at your age is something that shouldn't be wasted. I see a potential in you, Jeanne. And I believe in you that you can be a great person, that's why... Will you accept training swordmanship from me? To inherit my technique?"

"..You have your own sword technique?"

He chuckled a little before answering me.

"You can say that, but it's merely a copy of every Sword God Style technique I've seen in my life. And swinging a Greatsword takes a lot of stamina Touki"

'Copying moves? My foster father is Taskmaster all along?! Nah, just kidding.'

"In this world, there is 3 known sword style. Sword God Style, Water God Style, and Lastly, North God Style. Each with different ways of attack and defense, and each with its own advantage and weaknesses."

"What's the advantage and weaknesses of every style?"

I ask before taking in a spoonful of my plate into my mouth.

"Good question, but we'll continue our lesson later. Let's finish up our lunch and visit the Greyrats."

My left brow twitched when I heard that.

'This guy...'

[Chapter 2: End]

[A/N: Chapter 3 will be longer]

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