Chapter 5

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It's been six months since then.

I'm still under the guidance of Paul and my Dad learning the technique of every Sword God Styles.

Kinda funny how it's like rock-paper-scissors, Sword God is weak against Water God Style, while Water God style is weak against North God Style, and North God Style is weak against Sword God.

'And then there's my father, combining each technique into a new one... Also they seem to be confused I can't increase my physical strength, I don't have mana so I can't use Touki. But learning swordsmanship this early should help me to prepare. Paul's way of explaining the technique doesn't help but I can at least convey and learn a little.'

As of now, I'm currently walking around the village with Roxy, yep, that Roxy, the blue haired droopy eyed mage loli.

Why? Because I'm planning to bail out Rudeus out of his NEET status once and for all.

Since I visit the Greyrats regularly to train from Paul, I get to know Roxy more and safe to say we became friends.

I know that Roxy helped him with his trauma but it'll take about 2 years before Rudeus' graduation. But it's definitely better if it's faster.

'What could go wrong if I disturb the canon event a little?'

"Jeanne, you're lost in thoughts again."


I quickly looked up at Roxy and let out a chuckle.

"S- sorry, I was thinking of new exercise method."

"Again with your exercise? You know you should try to play like a kid your age, you could end up being a meathead if you keep on exercising your muscles instead."

"I can't do that, I need to get stronger."

"Why..? For what reason do you want to get strong?"

She stopped right in front of me and kneeled down to my eye level, her gaze softened as she asked the question.

'To survive? Protect the weak? Huh, my main reason was out of selfishness so I can protect myself but.. with my dad, and the other characters- no, people that I have the chance to change their fate... I've been treating them like they're fictional all this time didn't I? I didn't realize before...'

"I want to protect those I love."

"Heeh~ including Rudeus?"

I almost jumped.

Did she really have to add that tease?
Besides, I'd never fall for that pervert.

"Very funny, miss Roxy."

She giggled and patted my head.

"I'm just joking, it's nice to hear that you have good intention.. but do remember about yourself too."

"Yes, I'll remember that."

No wonder Rudeus got a crush on her.

"Oh, looks like that farmer there needs our help. Let's go."


I hum and followed her, if Rudeus wasn't afraid to go out this would've been their little date(?) instead.

And she'd be able to teach him in practice while earning some money.

This is one of the core reason why I need to make him not afraid to go outside.

Roxy helped the farmer moving a heavy rock from his soil, which earned her a few coins in return.

"Magic is really convenient huh~"

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