Chapter 2

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At the skating castle:

" can I talk to you by the gift shop real quick ky?"

" why? You can just talk to me right here."

" it's something private just come with me real quick."

I had to warn my new close friend about her flirty boyfriend.

Back to 2025

Ah yes little me being an attention whore acting as if I wasn't a fat dyke. I wasn't ugly, but the fact that I wasn't a tooth pic made people think other wise. And those bitches made sure I knew that.

The skating castle:

" fine geez Laney I'm going."

At the gift shop

" that's your boyfriend??"

" yea why? Is he too cute for me or something?"

" noooo but he was flirting with me!"

" HAHAHAHAHA!! Him? Flirt? With you?? HAHA!"

" what is so funny bitch."

I stepped forward ready punch this fake tooth pick In the throat. because why was she laughing as if the idea of him flirting with me was out of this world. what is so funny.

" well it's just you know." As she points at my body up and down.

" Fuck.You."

Back to 2025

Can you believe that bitch?! She really thought just because I was fat her boyfriend wouldn't flirt with me. Oooo we're getting to the good part look! LOOK!

The skating castle:

God she is fucking dumb her boyfriend basically just threw himself on me. her best friend! and she won't believe me. What ever guess she just gets to find out the hard way. I'll just go skate a little bit and then I'll tell my mom to come pick me up.

A few minutes later in the rink

" hey are you done running from me?"

" omg! Can you not take a hint? Are you being dared to pretend to like me or something?! Is this funny to you because I'm fat or something ?? you should've stay away since that day In the hall!"

" aww come on I'm not like that." The doe eyed cute boy pleaded.

" yea sure what ever."

" I'm serious I think your hot."

" please just don't." My confidence broken after my previous conversation with Ky.

"I don't even know you what you want? A funny fat friend ? A charity case? Seriously what ever it is you want... I'm not the girl for it."

" fine I'll make you a deal we get to know eachother for the rest of the night but...." he had a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips.

" but what?" I questioned.

" but I can't know your name and you can't know mine and after today we don't speak ever again."

" deal."

" deal."

Back to 2025

Ah yes the deal. That damn deal if you ask me that's when it all went wrong. We were so stupid. He was an idiot. But I fell in love with that idiot.

The skating castle

We decided to got to the arcade section of the skating castle, he's.... Intriguing.

If I would've known - original story Where stories live. Discover now