Chapter 7 -

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Minji was taken aback by her Maw Rosie being in a mafia. This was definitely some news. Auntie Sierra being a distraction and Maw Rosie playing these games. Who would have thought. She sat and listened as Aunt Sierra told stories of their business that came to an end. Jungkook, completely enhanced by the stories, sat in amazement.

"Wait. Her aunt and grandmother both were in a mafia?! How is that logically possible? Girls weren't made to be the mafia type. Now if her name was Karen or Samantha then I see it, but her name is literally Rosie!! ROSIE!!! It's too cute. I mean c'mon the cutest name ever!!!"

Jungkook managed to catch a glimpse at Minji, who was giddily smiling as she listened to stories about her family and the adventures of her grandmother. Then she spoke up.

"Wait, Aunt Sierra. How close were you and Rosie? I know she's your sister, but was she like your friend?"

"You have no idea how close we are. If one was ever in trouble, the other was right there to help. I recall one time she was abducted and she managed to call me and all I heard was: Do you think Sierra would be mad that I messed up the first part of the plan? She always managed to laugh if something went wrong."

Minji smiled as she listened.

"So Rosie has al ways made jokes in a serious matter. That's where I get that from."

Jisoo sat and listened noting how Aunt Sierra would occasionally let out chuckles.

"She isn't near as bad as we said she was. They're sisters but they're best friends."

Jungkook laughed as Sierra told stories until he saw that the sun was going down.

"Aunt Sierra, do you want me to get a room down here fixed up? It's getting late and I know you can't drive when it gets late like this."

Sierra just got up and laughed as she walked to the door.

"It'd be best if I went home. Min already has too many guests and she simply looks so tired. I can't stay here and put the strain on her."

"Aunt Sierra, you must stay. You have a room here anyways. Please Aunt Sierra, we'd feel better if we knew you were safe."

"No dear. I promise I will call you when I get home. I promise."

With that said, Sierra walked out the door. Maybe she'll make it home. Minji kept her phone off of silent, but never received a quick phone call. Frantically, Minji got up and started cleaning. Jisoo and Jungkook sat looking at each other.

"Ji, it's been a while since we heard anything. Do you think we need to call and check on her?"

Before she could respond, Minji's phone rang.

"Is this Kim Minji?"

"This is she. Is everything ok?"

"We need you at the hospital regarding Sierra Kim. She has been in an automobile accident."

"I'm on my way."

Minji quickly grabbed her keys crying. She went to run out the door, until Jungkook grabbed her.

"Min, you're not driving in that condition. You couldn't possibly be able to see the road."

"I've done it before Kook. Believe me, you have no idea how much I've driven to school crying because I never know when I'm going to get that call saying that my grandmother had died. I have to go Kook. Sierra could be dying. I have to go."

Minji fell to the ground sobbing. Jisoo watched this unfold. She had never seen her friend in this shape. She grabbed the keys from Jungkook and motioned for him to go with her.

"Kook, go easy on her. She's had it rough. She just found her friend, her grandmother is in the hospital dying, and now her grandmother's sister has been in an automobile accident. Let me drive. Sit in the back and try to comfort her. Please. For Minji."

"For Minji."

With their little promise, Kook helped Minji get up and get in the car. On the way, he held her softly as she cried. Jisoo every so often checked on them through the rear view mirror. She genuinely felt bad.

"Minji, I promise it'll get better soon. I don't know how you've managed to get this far, but I assure you that you don't have to do this alone. Jungkook and I are here for you."

"I don't know if Jisoo and I help out much, but I can assure you that you will not do it by yourself. I don't know what happened when I left, but I promise I'm here now and I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving until I make sure that you're absolutely better. I don't care if it takes me forever. If I have to stay here for the rest of my life, then I will. I'm never leaving you. Not even when the moon dies and there's no more light. Minji, we love you."

Chapter 7 Complete
Authors Note

So that was even confusing for me to write especially because it was breakfast then swiftly got dark. Yes they did eat. So I'm getting a vibe for this book so the next chapter will be a full update for what I've come up with from these chapters. It is hard for me to remember what has happened so it'll also be a recap of what has happened so far. Love you guys!! I hope you enjoy this book. Please recommend this to everyone who will read it. I really want this book to work out and I have faith that it will. I pray that this will get even further than my other book. I can assure that I will try to keep a steady plot. Signing out!!!

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