Lunch Time And Broken Pistons

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The fictitious words of Mr. Higgins glided amidst the copy of Crenshaws glowing inward processors. Sitting at his cluttery desk his subroutine program was distinctly active. He now daydreamed of a cup of cheap coffee and envisioned the new cutlery in the break room. His mouth salivated at the grilled cuisine that hid in the confines of his icy lunch box. "Yep!" The little bore squealed and smiled. "It's lunchtime!!!". The autopilot was engaged amidst the mechanical functioning of the hulking beast. It sat quietly and read a two-day-old newspaper. Scandals and intrigue played a decadent role in a nearby murder. Humans were a mystery to the bore. Their children are feeble and morph into rapists and child molesters. The most gentle hearts can become cruel even when admonished. Stubbornness and frustration seem to follow them where ever they go.

How sad that their race has to end.

The bore jostled along down the main darkened corridor. It lead to a small gray room with a table and various vending machines. Twizzle Whips and instant Calpie Chips irrigated an irresistible smell. The Whim Worm crackers dipped slightly in the soup and were forcefully eaten by the bore. His belly teased in an elaborate enjoyment. His tiny brain huffing the sweet aroma of Barkol Stew. For all bores loved to feast on all that is dead. A touch of salt and a little of this and that it was perfect!
Suddenly an alert bellowed outwards from a single siren. Steel binding coursed throughout the implications of the endowed entreatment of the mechanical man.
It tensed rigidly and assumed an "on duty" stance from within. Piston #2399 had shorted and the hydraulics were loosely damaged. Their faltering contraption was an easy fix but would require the little bore to vacate from the break room. Gathering together the arsenal of electronic components he swiftly placed them into a brown backpack. "System is compromised, please make the appropriate repairs." The synthetic overseer of the endowment of biological cloning spoke softly. The computer garbled and spit thoroughly in the subdued nature of the language of the bore. Its unrecognizable quotations deliberately spoke to the commander of the current flesh suit.
"Yes, Min... I'm right on it!" Piloting the mechanical beast he found a restroom stall to sit in. Locking the blue door Mr. Crenshaw sat on the toilet, his head hung downwards. The computer deactivating all major activity that adorned the giant facsimile of now  broken man. A light hesitation blinked in blue and gray patterns. The machine's eyes stared into an obscured readiness. The bore climbed out slowly roping himself to Mr. Crenshaws arm. Downwards he slid to the exact location of the piston that was soon to be extracted. Tearing away synthetic flesh the bore began to operate. Drilling, scraping, and pruning the edges of the broken piston. The automated surge of light breathing continued to regard the structure that surrounded its nasal canons. Propped meticulously and angled to present the greatest fabrication. The mirage of seemingly active respiratory rhythms complemented the outer cooling of its rickety battle-scarred shell. In unison, they protected the tireless sight of the bores now damaged temporary habitat. Realigning the new piston the bore casually
Anticipated each minute stitching. The sharpened needle fed loosely into an altered design of a sewing gun. it fired the silk-like string that amended the torn elements to the machine's final outward presentation. Upon completion, the autopilot reprimanded the small bore while engaging its controls into manual mode. The bore climbed upon Mr. Crenshaws mouth and entered back into the control room of the darkened beast. One switch and all systems rapidly booted to an "online" status. Hydraulics' temperature, motion controls, everything to the extreme of a finite precision dawned their committed allegiance. Upon limitless computations that fed the minuscule calibrations, Mr. Crenshaw was out of the stall and smiling once again at the beautiful receptionist that stood blushingly before him.

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