The Quest

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A machine graced hand ejected from its tomb of a concealed compartment. bony and of an icy chill it swayed intensely against the bores tired forehead. An alarm declared a banshee scream from the main speakers just to the side of the bore's small body. The mechanical arm adjusted his chair and pushed him forcefully forward. Pointing to the main view screen it highlighted the critical situation that was about to occur. The little bore adjusted his silver spectacles vehemently placing them onto the bridge of his pig-like snout. The opaque imaging system slenderly conveyed the lips of Ms. Estelle. Their curvy moistness dampening the synthetic fibers of Crenshaw's false mechanical lips. There was one other person in the office while Estelle garnered her stealth kiss of a gift. The secrecy of such an endeavor was too enticing for the young lady to resist.

The bore sprang into action.

Pressing multiple buttons and hitting various switches. An analysis of Crenshaws lips revealed several biological conclusions. The bore smiled as he sat back in his reclining leather chair. "Oakie, read off the info from the lip extraction". The advanced computer system smiled and bucketed its massive haul in a delighted shuffle. A full spectral analysis appeared on the viewscreen. " sir, various parasites, a slight cold, and some other obnoxious anomalies are present in Ms. Estelle's saliva. Other than that, she is a healthy young woman". The small-bore grinned devilishly. Its brow trickled with a greenish sweat. The amalgamation of thought and a witty charm coursed suddenly within him. The mirror provision of what accompanied the identity of the large machine. For the bore are strapped to its circuitry.. Intermingled within its vast network of consuming components. Infusing the DNA of their being into the consciousness of a living computer. "Well Oakie, it's time to have some fun with this beast!" The bore initiated a launch sequence. 5..........4.........3..........2........1!!!!! All of a sudden the computers voice proclaimed the current status of the colossal structure.

"all systems activated!!!!!"

Crenshaw arose from his stationary posture. Gently wiping away any lint or unwanted dust, he placed his hat upon his head. His expensive suit of ebony comfortably abiding to the form of his body. Its high-class portrayal accenting the stunning good looks of the false-faced machine. Mimicking a sly self-assured demeanor in a tidy well-groomed persona. Walking forward he tipped his hat at the only individual in the office still working. Strutting slowly down the street a blue Ford Fusion bellowed to the activation of an unlock key. Sliding into the car he initiated the driving mode sequence from a large program registry. Its files downloaded upon an internal hard drive, now assessing the vehicle's primary motor functions. In seconds the car fiercely ripped around the corner and headed to the living quarters of a Miss Estelle Beckley.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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