Chapter 1: Nothing Left

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It was close to the end of his stay at #4 Private Drive. His uncle and cousin had been rather rough this time. They had him do all sorts of nasty chores. Mow the yard, trim the hedges, weed the gardens, polish the cars, and scrub the floors with his toothbrush (instead he used Dudley's), clean the gutters, change the oil, and other tiring jobs.

The intense work helped keep him busy. Not once had his mind traveled to the night Dumbledore died. Which he was glad to do the chores, they helped him forget. He would have gone insane if he thought about all the loved ones he had lost over the past few years. However, his stay was coming to end this week, and he would be forced to return to the wizarding world.

Lupin had been the only one to contact him. Saying that in 2 days he and a few order members would be by to pick him up. Grimmauld was still the orders HQ. Dumbledore had assigned a new secret keeper before he died, and Lupin was living there. Hermione and Ron were staying there as well. He had also been informed that Dobby was taking care of the house now.

It was raining that night as he slept. The sheets were wrapped wildly around his legs. He's head tossed to the side, he's eyes shut tightly. Horrid scenes played behind his eyes. Lightning struck and thunder roared. With a snap, Harry Potter jolted awake.

He rolled out of bed and threw on black sweats and a dark red T-shirt.

"Hedwig, fly to Lupin." With a peck of her beak she flew out into the storm. He scrambled around his room, shrinking his things and putting them away inside his trunk. Once his room was cleaned of his personal items he shrunk his trunk and Hedwig's cage, placing them inside his pocket. Lightning lit up the sky highlighting his intense green eyes.

He held his wand ready to go wake his uncle.

A crash sounded downstairs as Harry opened his door. Uncle Vernon bashed out of his room, face red from anger. Aunt Petunia followed behind him. A groan came from Dudley as he opened his door.

"BOY! WHAT DO YOU THINK…" His yell was interrupted by a spell nearly hitting Harry, who dodged back into his bedroom.

He look to his uncle, "Run!" He yelled.

He shot a stunning spell at the death eaters progressing up the stairs. Green lights mixed with red came at Harry. He retreated back into his bedroom to avoid getting hit.

The first death eater reached the top.

He pointed his wand at Harry who had no cover at the moment.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Yelled Vernon. The death eater turned and Harry realized who it was as his long platinum hair swished behind him. Lucius raised his wand and smiled.

"It won't be for long." Harry raised his wand and shot a stunning curse. Lucius fell as Vernon was engulfed in green light. He fell lifeless and Petunia's screams echoed through the hall.

Two death eaters joined Lucius stunned body. One turned to him and raised his wand. Harry rolled and disarmed him with a spell. The cloaked death eater growled and dived after his wand. The other eater raised her wand at Petunia and she soon joined her dead husband.

Harry put the unarmed death eater in a full body bind as Dudley shouted, "NO, MOM! DAD!"

The last eater turned and smiled.

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