Chapter 19: Man or Wolf (Part 1)

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Harry stood and snapped his neck. It just wasn't his day. And where did Draco go? Harry found him across the room unconscious. He shook his head and picked him up. Draco rested on his shoulder, limp like a sack of potatoes. He found his stuff: wand, ripped shirt, and his broom. He was surprised it was all in one piece. If it had been him, he'd have snapped the wand and broom. It bothered him that she didn't. What where they really up to?

Harry made his way to the secret entrance to Hogwarts. They could take care of Draco and fix him up in the process. McGonagall was going to have a fit when she found out, not to mention Tonks and Remus.

He made his way down the corridor to the exit under the tree. He imagined what they would say, "How could you go in half-cocked!" or "I can't believe they caught you so easy, you could have been killed!" He chuckled imaging the looks on their faces, and then he had a look of horror at what they had done to him, after they got their relived worries off their chests.

He snuck out from underneath the tree, hitting Draco's head on a loose root. He touched the knot, and waited for the limbs to fall still. As the last branch eased its movements he made a bee-line for the large doors leading to his favorite place.

He pushed open the doors and was shocked by what he saw. The castle wasn't as he left it 20-well a year ago. The walls were battle stained, the floors cracked in some places. The stairs worn, and not polished like they used to be. The upper stairs were darker, as if they couldn't afford to keep on all the lights. The place looked like a dump, to be honest.

"Harry Potter?!" Harry's head snapped in the direction of Professor Trelawney. He winched as he heard her voice and saw that she was heading his way. "Harry, I have bad news, something terrible has happened to you and your friend. I saw it and was on my way to help you." She said.

Harry shook his head and brushed past her. "Thanks for the warning, but I'm in a hurry to the hospital wing."

She nodded and let him pass, "Your friend is hurt. You should hurry and get him help."

He just nodded and rushed up the stairs and made his way to the hospital wing. Draco was starting to stir against his back and he was getting weaker by the minute. With luck, Madam Pomfrey was coming down the hall right to him.

"Harry! What happened?!" she said rushing towards him. Harry smiled softly as she reached him and helped place Draco on a floating charm. She led them both to the Hospital Wing, and again he was shocked by what he saw.

The wing was expanded, filled with over 100 beds, all full. Madam Pomfrey added two beds and laid Draco down on one. She quickly examined him as Harry sat on the other empty bed. She quickly revived him and mended his wounds.

Draco sat up and looked over to Harry. He was doubled over, and still bleeding. He was somehow different, and Draco couldn't quiet place his finger on it. Something about his body mass, he was thicker or something. Almost as if something was about to break free from beneath his skin.

Madam Pomfrey turned to Harry and gasped, finally seeing the full damage. She immediately got to work on healing his wounds. Draco sat back and rested his eyes, hoping Harry would be okay. He saw what happened to him. He wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy, but of course he felt guilty about helping Marcus in the first place. All of this was his fault, if he hadn't told Marcus what Harry would do to save him. It didn't help that he didn't know that Marcus was pretending to be his father. He didn't feel sorry at all for what Harry did to him.

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