Chapter 2: Getting Settled

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Harry opened his eyes and saw that he was in a bedroom in # 12 Grimmauld place. Hermione was asleep in a side chair. He sat up and rolled his shoulder, pleased that his back didn't hurt. Apparently he had been healed while he was unconscious. He quietly got out of bed and changed into clean clothes. Someone had resized his trunk and Hedwig's cage, where his owl now peaceful slept. The room was painted a dark red and his sheets were gold. A large oak desk was off to one side and a bookshelf was next to it. It was full of dark spell books and defense against the dark arts books. This room was intended to be his.

"You like?" Hermione asked waking up fully.

Harry smiled at her as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Yea, it's very nice." He said. Hermione smiled back then blushed as she looked at his naked chest. It was toned and proudly displayed a six pack from quidditch and yard work. Harry pulled on his shirt and blushed as well. She stood and gave him a hug.

"I was so worried when you blacked out. You were in bad shape. I was so worried." Harry gladly hugged her back

"No worries. I'm all better, thanks to you." He winked knowing that she was the one to heal him. Her blush darkened, " I should tell Ron your awake and you have a few letters to answer. They're on your desk." She rushed out of the room leaving the door open behind her. Harry took a seat at his desk and read his letters. One was from McGonagall asking if he would return to Hogwarts this year. Another was from Neville, Ginny, and Luna asking how he was. He replied to his friends first, he had an idea for staying in school but he wanted to see if it was okay first.

As he was writing his letter to Luna, Ron entered, "Hey mate." He said from behind. Harry rolled out of his chair pulling out his wand.

Ron jumped back, hands in the air. "Whoa, calm down Harry. Its just me." He said Harry sighed and pocketed his wand sitting back in his chair. Ron walked over and read over Harry's shoulder. "Writing to Luna. She is a nice girl…. I mean wacky." He blushed and backed away a few feet. Harry looked at him and questioned if he and Luna were…. No Ron was head over heels for Hermione. He wouldn't do that to her, he just wasn't the guy to do that.

"You should eat, and I bet Lupin will want to talk to you." He said before turning to leave after getting nervous from Harry's stare. Rolling his eyes Harry finished his letter and sent Hedwig off to deliver them. Running his hands through his hair he traveled down into the kitchen. Hermione was eating a sandwich.

"I'm glad you're down here, I want to talk to you about this school year." Harry said sitting down and Dobby rushed over a sandwich.

She looked at him confused, "school year? I though we weren't going back?" She asked then took another bite.

"We'll still need our degree. What if I talked McGonagall to let us take our classes here, have our school work sent to us and then we'd send it back." Harry said, "think we could handle that along with searching for the Horcrux's?"

Hermione smiled big, glad to hear that Harry wanted to continue school, "it'll be hard but we could do it." Harry smiled glad that Hermione was with him on the long quest to kill Voldemort.

"I'll write to her right away and then we can go get our stuff. Besides I could do with a little shopping seeing as none of my hand me downs fit." He said as the shirt was far to big on him and the pants threatened to fall down with each breath he took. She giggled at that and that small noise made Harry's insides jump.

He was finishing his lunch when Lupin walked in worried and tired. "Harry you awake, thank goodness I was worried," He said a look of relief on his worn face. Harry smiled and hugged him. Lupin handed him a newspaper from the previous day. The front-page picture was of #4 Private Drive, or what was left of it. The house was burned to the ground, the dark mark high in the sky. The article spook of the Dursley's as the chosen one's only family being killed and that there was no trace of Harry Potter. "Can you tell us what happened?" Lupin asked sitting at the table as well. Harry nodded and took a deep breath. Slowly he told them of the bad dreams he had and how one woke him up. He had had a very bad feeling that something horrible was going to happen so he packed his stuff and was telling his Uncle he was going to leave when the Death eaters attacked. Hermione hugged him when he was finished and Lupin looked upset. "I'll have the order move Hermione's parents somewhere safe, where as you three I want you to stay her or only leave with protection. Things are getting to close to the end to have you killed now." With a sigh he turned and headed upstairs, probably for the long awaited nap he desperately needed.

"I'm going to write that letter and take a shower. Could you see what you can find on Horcrux's?" Harry asked. She smiled and said she would. Harry headed upstairs and wrote his note to McGonagall asking if they could learn here, so they could do their job. He left the letter on the desk for Hedwig to get later. He headed to the bathroom and took a long warm shower. His body relaxed and he dressed in fresh clothes and headed to see Ron in his room, maybe they would play chess. Instead Ron was at his desk writing a letter of his own. Harry read over his shoulder like Ron had done previously. Only Ron snapped and slammed a book over it, but not till Harry read who it was too, Luna Lovegood.

"Sorry, didn't know it was top secret. Besides it's not like it's a love note." Harry said, slightly offended by his behavior. Ron's face darkened and Harry's mind filled in the blanks. "RON! How dare you cheat on Hermione. You have no right." Harry said rather loudly.

Ron's faced paled and he stood, "wait Harry you don't understand, its just a note." He said.

Harry clenched his fist and relaxed, "I'll believe you since you're my best mate and all, but hurt her and I'll bury you next to Voldemort."

Ron almost fainted but then he nodded. "So what did you want?" He asked.

Harry smiled, "Wanted to play chess, tomorrow were going shopping for school supplies."

Ron looked shocked, "But I thought we weren't going back?" He asked.

Harry chuckled, "Were taking our classes here, that way we'll still have the freedom to search for a way to kill Voldemort."

Ron sat back down; "We might as well enjoy what free time we have left." He said in a pout.

For the rest of the night they sat in the living room playing chess while Hermione read. Hedwig returned with their school supply list later before they went to bed. They would have a busy day tomorrow, so they went to sleep. But it wasn't as peaceful as Harry prayed it would be.

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