Chapter 22: A Visitor

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"Where do you think they went?" McGonagall asked Remus who was hunched in one of her office chairs. Harry and Hermione had been gone for an entire day now. No one had heard from them and were beginning to fear what had happened.

"I understand you're worried. Harry can take care of himself and Hermione. Besides, if they wanted to be found you would have already." Remus said tired.

The entire Order had been on patrol and looking for Harry and Hermione. Voldemort was getting bolder and the muggles weren't doing any better. Their main goal was to get this war over with as soon as possible and that required a certain wizard who was missing in action.

"So you believe their safe?" McGonagall asked sitting at her desk. She looked worn and tired just like the others. Since Dumbledore's death she hadn't been fairing to well.

"Leave them be. I'm sure Harry is fine and Hermione is safest with him. Trust me." Remus said.

"I can't believe you let them get away!" Draco yelled at Ron.

"What was I suppose to do? Attack Harry or try to pull Hermione away from him?" Ron yelled back.

Ginny and Luna watched as the two screamed at each other. Harry had scooped Hermione off her feet and took off. Now no one could find them and these two bloody idiots wouldn't stop blaming each other.

"SHUT UP!" Ginny yelled finally having enough. "It's neither of your faults. Harry needed to be with Hermione, okay?" She said.

The two boys stood still with their heads down in shame. "Besides, Harry loves Hermione. He would never let any harm come to her, even from himself." Luna said.

Ron smiled at his girlfriend and turned to Draco. "Sorry mate, guess I'm a little shaken up about all this."

Draco nodded and joined Ginny's side. "It's okay. Let's just not worry about and let the Order deal with this mess. I say we continue our training with the rest of the D.A." Draco said.

The others nodded in agreement.

Hermione began to wake. She was lying on something hard yet cozy and she was warm. She opened her eyes and saw the fireplace. Strong arms were wrapped around her and she'd remembered she'd fallen asleep on top of Harry.

"Morning beautiful." Harry said beneath her. She shifted and looked down at him, smiling.

"Morning." She said softly. "A girl could get used to this."

He chuckled and smiled, "Good, however let's fall asleep on something bigger than a couch."

Her eyes got big as she realized he must be in some discomfort. She got off him and sat on the edge of the couch giving him room to get up.

He slowly sat up and stretched. She could hear all his joints pop and crack as he pulled out his muscles. "That was the best night sleep I've ever had." He said. She couldn't imagine how.

He leaned back and looked over at her. "You're beautiful first thing in the morning."

She blushed and looked away. He was so sweet, how could life be so cruel to a man like him.

"Want some breakfast?" He asked standing up from the couch.

She stood as well, "I'll make breakfast okay." He began to protest but she leaned up and kissed him.

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