Chapter 27: The End Is Near

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Harry slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He was back in his home, laying next to the fireplace. The couch was pushed against the wall leaving the floor opened. Harry's eyes adjusted to the different light. It took him a second to realize that it wasn't the light, but his eyes.

Colors were brighter, until he focused. When he did the colors dulled, except for the area he focused on. It was like he could draw out the details, even from where he was laying. He stretched and pulled himself to his feet.

His body moved with ease, the power of his muscle's drawing him up with no problem. He took in a deep breath and furrowed his brows by the familiarity of the scent. He could smell Hermione, it was strong, but he also smelt foreign scents that he couldn't place. Hermione hadn't been here alone.

He focused on his other senses, his hearing picking up the faint hum of the furnace in the basement, and the hum of the fridge in the kitchen. He was able to pick out each sound, but all he could hear was the humming of electronics in the house. No one was around which worried Harry. Where was Hermione?

Harry ran through the house quickly before heading out the front door. Since no one was here, he was going to check Number Twelve and if no one was there, then Hogwarts. He appearated himself to his Godfathers old home.

The streets were rundown along with the buildings. It looked like a war zone and was more than likely one. Some areas were blown out, others burnt down. Harry focused and watched as Number Twelve appeared between Eleven and Thirteen.

Harry walked up to the door and opened it. The inside was as rundown as it had been. The walls were pale and the mood dark. Harry heard voices in the back and he listened in to the conversation.

"What's the status?" A male voice asked. Harry recognized it as Remus.

"The D.A. and the rest of the Order are fighting them off. Voldemort is there and until they know that Harry has completed his mission, they can't press forward. Because of our hold, we're losing more men." A female said, it was Tonks.

Harry sighed and walked into the kitchen. The two stood with their wands drawn. Harry held his hands up in defense.

"Harry?" Remus asked shocked to see him standing there, the worse for wear. Harry's clothes were barely hanging on him, with tears. It was a wonder his clothes were still hanging on him.

"It's good to see you too, Remus." Harry said lowering his arms. The two lowered their wands and enveloped Harry in a bear hug. When Remus pulled away he seemed to get smaller.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, noticing the change.

"Every time we reunite, you are more…powerful. I can feel it, sense it. The wolf in me wants to cower in a corner in fear." Remus said.

"Where do you go?" Tonks asked.

"It's a long story. From what I overheard, we don't have time to discuss it." Harry said.

"Was your mission a success?" Tonks asked.

"Complete. Now lets go and end this war." Harry said.

Remus smiled, "That's what I like to hear." The three headed out of the worn home and onto the street. With dull pops they disappeared.

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