Chapter 8

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Tw: mentions of throwing up, dysphoria, panic attack

|Technoblade POV|

"What should I do?!?" I whisper shouted. Wil looked nervous.

"Do you have your phone?"


"Text Phil, like, right now." He said. I nodded then he ran off. I looked around then rushed into the bathroom. I pulled out my phone.



Phil: what?????


Phil: what?!?!


Phil: I can pick you up?

Me: Could you bring my meds to school and drop them off at the office instead??

Me: I don't want to leave school on my first day.

Phil: alr I'll be there in 20 minutes can you last?

Me: we'll see.

'no no no. panicking a just gonna make it worse.'

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and almost threw up.

I looked at my hair, I liked it's length but the fading pink color made me sick. I liked the normal light pink but my hair was facing back to blonde.

I started to freak out even more. All the hate and abuse rushed back to me. I collapsed to the ground. I heard a knock at the door and jumped.

"Rose you in there?" It was Wilbur. I mumbled yes and Wil opened the door. "You alright?"

"Do I look alright?" I growled. Wilbur sighed.

"What'd dad say." He asked quietly.

"He's dropping the medicine off." I mumbled. We sat in silence for a moment before someone yelled Wilbur's name.

"Alright there's a door that leads to the bathrooms connected to the cafeteria in the locker rooms, you can sneak out through there." He said quickly then ran away.

I stood up and avoided looking in the mirror. 'pathetic.' I panicked for a moment realizing that it wasn't me who thought that.

"Not the voices, no no no." I whispered while rushing out of the bathroom and towards the locker rooms. My phone buzzed in my pocket.


Phil: I'm here.

Me: ok I'm running up to the office right now.

Phil: did anything happen

Me: yah but it's no big deal

Phil: ok...

I started to jog up the stairs to the office while I thought about my reflection.


"What do you mean?!?!" A tall woman with black hair shouted. "Your not a boy! Your a girl!"

I started crying. She slapped
me across then started screaming. I ignored the screams and shook while crying my eyes out.

I trusted her, how could she-

I was pulled out of my flashback by kids laughing. I realized I was about to cry and I put my head down 'weak.'

"No." I whispered. I reached the office doors. I saw Phil waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I didn't bother fighting him I just nodded then followed him outside. "Rose are you alright?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down and started crying. Phil quickly hugged me and didn't say anything except, "It's alright,"

"I'm sorry." I managed to mumble through my tears.

"Shhhh," he started to guide me to the car. Phil let go of me and opened the door for me. I hated letting him see me cry. I felt vulnerable when people saw me cry.

Phil got in the car and just told me I was okay the entire ride to the house. Once we reached the mansion, Phil opened my door again.

I was still crying but not as much. Not because I felt better, but because I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Sit down," Phil said softly, he looked worried. I sat on the couch in the living room and brought my knees to my chest.

I put my face in my lap and started to cry more again. Phil sat next to me. He pulled me to his chest and rocked side to side slowly.

I started to sob while Phil just held me.

"You wanna talk about what happened?"

"N-not r-really," I sniffled.

"I'm here for you if you need to talk, alright?" He said softly. "Do you want some water?"

I shook my head and Phil went quiet again.

"It's t-too much to d-deal with." I whispered.

Phil stayed quiet and kept rocking me slowly.

"They told me I was pathetic and weak."


"T-the voices."

Phil went quiet again. I started shaking my head.



I thought for a moment. 'tr@nny.' 'Oh great. Now they know slurrs'

"N-nevermind." Phil held me and quietly whispered to me every once in a while.

I felt so safe with him, I didn't know why, but this family was different, it felt, like, Home.

Home? I thought about it for a bit, this was home, there was no yelling, no abuse, I felt safe. I had started to calm down.

I looked up, Phil was staring at some photos of Tommy Wilbur and himself. I sniffed a bit and wiped my tears.

"Thank you," I mumbled. Phil looked down at me and smiled.

"It's all going to be ok,"

|Phil POV|

This is why I help them. Moments like this. I looked down at Rose who had fallen asleep. Her face was red and stained from her tears.

I looked at the clock, 'i have to pick the boys up...' I picked Rose up carefully and brought her up to her room. I set her down on the bed and smiled to myself.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys then ran out the door.


"You guys have to be quite when we get home." I looked in the rearview mirror, Wilbur nodded and Tommy just sat on his phone and didn't reply.

I sighed and kept driving. Once we got home Wilbur went straight to his room without saying anything and Tommy went to the kitchen as usual.

'Whats up with Wil,' 
998 words.
What do you think? Idk I just wanted to make a more mEaNiNgFuL chapter.

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