Chapter 16

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POV: Quinn

"Really? During a volleyball match? And wasn't it in said volleyball match your inner hatred for me appeared?" He asks me with an ever so slightly grin showing on his face. I nudge him slightly and turn around back to the kitchen. "So what now? I'm guessing you're staying here for a bit?"

I look towards him and he seemed dumbfounded. "I-If that isn't a problem with you.." He mumbles hesitantly. I smile and shake my head, "Problem is what are we gonna do?" I ask him while leaning on the kitchen bar counter. "Do you have minecraft?"


An Hour Later

"NO WAIT NO NO NO YOU'RE RUNNING THE WRONG WAY!" I shout at Raylen as we're running from the hoard of mobs chasing us. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M RUNNING THE WRONG WAY? YOU CAN JUST MOVE THE MOUSE THE WAY YOU WANT TO GO.!" We both argue about the controls as we continue making our way through the plains of minecraft.

We continue running and a village loads into the view field. "GO TOWARDS THE VILLAGE RAYLEN WE CAN SLEEP." "YOU SAY THAT AS WE WEREN'T ALREADY HEADING THERE." I stop talking and look towards him, he looks towards me, still holding down the keys. "What?" I stare at his eyes blankly. He starts getting nervous and giggles slightly.

As we continue the "staring contest." We fail to realize the roaming creeper in the village and we die. This quickly caught our attention, as we turn back to the screen it's a translucent red with the words "You have died!" on the screen and in the chat said, "(so and so I couldnt think of a username) was blown up by a creeper"

"What?" Raylen and I say at the same time. After about 5 seconds I finally grasp what happened and take my hand off the mouse. "AGHHHH RAYLEN YOU DISTRACTED ME!" I shout while shaking his arm lightly. He turns to me and shakes him head with a smug look, "But this isn't a volleyball match so I didn't cause this, no flirting was involved."


What Started This

"Do you have minecraft?" I look at him deadpanned, "Yea, who doesn't? Only losers don't have it." We walk towards my room and I start up my pc. "Your room is honestly cleaner than I expected." I pause and face him, "I'm sorry what?" He looks flustered and looks away from me. "I guess you see me as a messy person. Thought you were bae, turns out you're just fam..."

He looks back towards me and start laughing. A smile grows on my face and I continue loading up minecraft as Raylen dies in the background. Never thought I would have to testify that someone did indeed died in my room from laughing. While Raylen dies behind me, my minecraft loads up completely and I get ready to load up a new world.

"Wait let me pick the name!" He says while creeping up behind me. He puts his hands on mine for a second before moving them to the other keys. My face feels warm but I dismiss it quickly. "What are you typing?" I ask him as he types quite fast. I look back up to the screen and see what he typed, "thank you love you bb" I look over at him and he smiles proudly at the name.

(it's what he said to the ai on the event[0] stream)

I shake my head and disappointment, as I was about to delete the name he quickly reaches for the mouse and clicks "create new world." My jaw drops and I look back at him. He looks at me and barely holds in his laughter. "What?" My face is fully deadpanned, I did not just have a world named "thank you love you bb" saved to my files.

"You wouldn't delete it right? We're gonna have great memories from it!" He says grinning like a kid. "Sure, yea ok, you know what, fine." I shake my head at him and he chuckles at my reaction to this. "We should do something different for this, I only have one computer so you man the keyboard I get the mouse." He tilts his head slightly, "Why do you get the mouse?"

I smile smugly, "Because I'm the better one between me and you."


Back To Real Time

I look at him with anger flaring in my eyes, "Not a volleyball match?" I pause and look dead into his eyes. He starts getting nervous and scratches the back of his neck. "THIS GAME IS SERIOUS, WE HAD DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS RAYLEN! DIAMONDS!" I push my head against his shoulder over and over. He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"We can get diamonds again, but maybe another time because it's already late. I have to get back home you know." I check the time to realize he's right.

11:50 p.m.

"Mmm, I guess I'll let the prisoner free." I laugh at my own joke, he smiles and nudges me lightly. We head towards the front door and I unlock it, "letting the prisoner free." "So goodnight I guess?" He says before I open the door. "Goodnight Raylen, thanks for playing minecraft with me, just get better." We both smile and I open the door, to pouring rain.

"I don't think I can drive in that..." He says while backing away from the door. "Did you call upon Zeus or something so you can stay longer?" He looks at me annoyed, "Oh great Zeus send pouring rain so I can get bullied about my minecraft skills by Quinn." He says while holding his hands together towards the ceiling.

"Ok ok you don't have to call upon him more." He smiles slightly and drops his hands, the conversation has gone silent, and awkward. "So.." "Yea..." I move my arms back and forth while looking around my house. "I should probably call my mom one second." He moves away from where we were and I go to the living room to lie on the couch.

I lay my head on the pillow and wave my legs back and forth in the air, waiting for Raylen to get back and explain what's going to happen. I sigh and rest my legs on the couch. Distant footsteps get closer and closer, Raylen leans over the couch and taps my shoulder. I turn over to face him and he rests his arms on the couch. "So my mom said I shouldn't head home due to the rain, and if you wouldn't mind if I stayed here for the night."

I nod my head and get up from the couch, "I don't mind, there's a spare room so it's fine with me." He smiles and follows me to the guest room, "Tada!" I say with jazz hands, I open the door and he enters looking around, "Sorry I don't think there's any clothes here that's your size." He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it, I can sleep in this." He says while gesturing to his current clothes. "Are you sure? I can see if there's anything that might fit." He smiles softly and shakes his head again. "Trust me I'm fine, don't worry." I turn back around and head out of the room, "Ok, if you say so."

As I start heading out of the room I'm stopped by the sudden grabbing of my wrist. "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you if I did." He let's go of my arm and fiddles with his fingers subtly. "Do we have to go to sleep now?" I look at him smiling and shake my head, "Depends, what do you want to do?"

His eyes lift up and he smiles widely, "Maybe watch something?" I roll my eyes and head towards the living room, but I hear no footsteps follow suit. I turn around to see him look at the ground sadly. "Aren't you coming?" He looks up and smiles brightly, Did it suddenly get bright in here? Was there lightning? His footsteps sound like a child's little pitter patter.

We make it to the living room and I turn on the tv, flicking through the shows on netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask him as he plays with his jacket strings. He looks up at me and then the tv, "Maybe Inside? By Bo Burnham." I search up the movie and it appears.


POV: Raylen

We're halfway through the movie and Quinn is tearing up, Relatable, I cried the first time too. I move closer to Quinn on the couch, "Are you ok?" I ask her gently. She looks at me with teary eyes and shakes her head. "The movie is so sad." She says while fake sobbing.

I smile softly and ruffle her hair. "You didn't tell me it was sad!" She says while sniffling. "I thought you would read the about thingy." She glares at me and sobs into my shoulder as the movie continues. I rest my head on hers and smile. For once I feel calm? If that's a way to describe it.



hey guys longer chapter because I wanted to :)

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