Chapter 22

351 7 23

TW: Panic Attack

I blink, staring up at Raylen, he looks at me and smiles. "Well I would normally ask how you amaze me everytime I see you, but I think you already know the usual lines I say." He says as he pulls me closer to him, gently pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I was thinking that line or 'My lady, you startled me with your beauty!'" He laughs and cups my cheek. "Well it was a tough decision but I think either one would work." I smile and lean into his hand as our faces get closer.. He whispers to me in his gentle voice, "What if we kissed.." He pauses and my face gets ever so close to his..

"In the ball pit, at the main event.."

(quote inspired by a donor during one of ranboos streams :,) it was too moving to not add it)

POV: Quinn

I open my eyes and bolt up, breathing sort of heavily. I rub my eyes and think about what I just witnessed. Ok, breathe, breathe, it was just a dream no need to get so uhm, excited? over it. I open my eyes and sigh, not taking in the fact I'm not in my room and I'm in a total stranger's room- WHAT THE HELL?? WHERE AM I? I look around, panicking, the room is dark aside from LEDS shifting from red to green. I shift off the bed and look around the room, again. I calm down at the sight of Adam and Louise on a bean bag, still asleep, glancing back at the bed I see Grace laying peacefully. I turn my attention back to Adam and Louise, Not gonna lie.. but those two lowkey look cute together... Louise's arm rests around Adam's waist, and Adam cuddled closely to Louise.

Realizing this could be my only chance, I look around for my phone as quietly as I could. I found it hiding in my jacket pocket, grabbed my phone, I turn it on and open the camera app. Facing the camera toward Adam and Louise, I get ready to take the photo when the door opens, the door opened. I stood there awkwardly as the tall man walked in. "What are you doing?" Raylen whispers to me in a sassy manner. "Well if you would shut up I would explain." I say while rolling my eyes. Looking back at Adam and Louise I see them shift. Crap crap crap no no no I'm not missing this chance. I luckily was able to catch a photo of the two of them, tippy toeing to Raylen I nudge him toward the door.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. "So you wanna explain now you creepy paparazzi." I snicker and show him the photo. He gasped and smiled, "No way... DOES LOUISE HAVE THE HOTS FOR ADAM??" "Shut up you loud mouth!" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. "Just yell it out in front of room that THEY'RE IN, good idea." He moves my hand from my mouth, "Well saw-ry ms bossy pants." He rolls his eyes and gestures me to come down the stairs with him. I follow suit and we talk about the possible ship until it hit me. "Wait, but Adam likes-" I almost expose Adam, in front of his crush. "He likes who?" Raylen asks out of curiosity. "Oh, did I say like? I meant uhm.. lake..?" He looks at me deadpanned, "Are you hiding something from me?" He leans closer to me, making me lean back.

"What? Me? Never, I wouldn't hide something like, that." I smile as best as I could to hide almost everything? He squints his eyes and laughs, "I'm kidding, you were probably just gonna say his full name." "His full name?" "He never told you? It's Adam Lakeside." I let out a big sigh, "Lakeside huh? Never knew that, or I did but I might've forgotten it.." "You? Forget? Pshh would've never guessed!" I roll my eyes and we walk to the kitchen. "So boober how are things with your friends-" I glance at the person talking to Raylen, they seem like what 5'6? That's taller than I'll ever be. "Boober?" I glance up to Raylen who looks like he's seen a ghost. He looks down to me and laughs awkwardly, "Yea I don't know why they call me that.."


POV: Raylen

"So boober how are things with your friends-" Pen asks me as they turn to see me with Quinn, who doesn't know about the streaming gig. "Boober?" Quinn looks up at me and giggles, "Yea I don't know why they call me that.." I say while glancing at Pen midway, trying to send him SOME kind of signal like "Oh hey yea Pen, heads up, don't mention streaming" but Pen doesn't understand my "complex" signals. "Sure you do boober, it's cause of the streaming gig. Chat calls you boober or king." I go white, not literally, I fiddle with my fingers and glance around the room over and over with white noise slowly filling my ears, "Raylen?" Quinn's voice breaks the unbearable noise and I look at her, but it seems blurry?

"Hey, it's gonna be ok.. I'm right here." Quinn gently speaks to me, I hug her and breathe unevenly, everything seems so fast then slow and then normal, only for the cycle to start all over again. I clutch tightly to Quinn, making sure that she doesn't let go and leave me.. It seems like hours since it started, but it almost seems like it ended so quickly at the same time. I open my eyes again to see Quinn and Penny hugging me tightly. I slowly let go of Quinn sniffling, "T-Thank you.." Quinn let go and rubbed my arm gently, Penny on the other hand hugged tighter then ever. "P-Pen you're going t-to suffocate m-me.."

He looks up at me with a few tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry, IdidntknowthatyoudidnttellherandnowandnowshekniwswithoutyoutellingherpersonallyandnowIcausedyoutphaveapanicattackandIamsosososorry.." They sigh as they just rambled out a whole hour worth of words. I smile slightly and rub her hair, "I was meaning to tell her, but you did it before I could. The panic attack isn't your fault ok? I don't want you blaming yourself for that." They look up at me and smiles, she hugs me one last time and let go. Rubbing his tears with his sleeve they wave to Quinn, "Sorry for the awkward first meet, but I'm Penny, or Pen for short." Quinn smiles at her, "It's great to meet you, I'm Quinn by the way."

"So you're the infamous Quinn my boober has been talking about?" Pen says while nudging my arm. "Ahem, what they mean is the infamous Quinn I easily beat in a volleyball match." Quinn rolls her eyes, "Oh yea, my apologies mr I'm so tall I'm 6'6 who can just block spikes with ease." We all laugh and continue the talk about volleyball. I smile and look at Pen and Quinn as the talk about how they could beat me in a match. We're off the topic of streaming, but I need to bring it up to her again, I don't want to leave it as is..



well howdy, I was planning on posting thos tomorrow but I guess the occasion called for it

thank you guys again for 11k, this book has come so far thanks to you guys :]

have a great day/afternoon/night !!

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