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Getting lost while hanging out with your friends in the forest at the edge of the town was never your plan. It was peaceful walking around under the green, and enjoying the dapple of warm sunlight on your skin, but immersed in all that, you'd forgotten about the other people there. You'd forgotten that you had no idea where you were.

Before that, you'd been walking along a couple of narrow trails with your friends, giggling and with two of them rolling along bikes. "Hey, look." You stopped and smiled. "A bunny." You said softly. One of your friends looked over your shoulder and the others joined.

"You talk like a two year old." One whispered. You put a finger to your lips and sent her an offended look. "Shh.." You hummed. She laughed lightly. "All right."

You all continued on the dusty path, laughing and chatting about the randomest things. You went silent after a while, content listening to them and studying the glow of the nature. It wasn't until it had gone completely silent of voices that you realized you were lost. You tried to backtrack, but were instead met with a flowery sight.

You stood in the middle of a small clearing with small wild daisies and purple flowers sprouting up in between the roots of trees as the unraveled out across the ground. You took a step forward, feeling a rush of air sweeping across your back and making the fabric of your shirt ripple a little. It was almost chilly in a way, knowing that you were utterly, and completely, lost.

"Geez.." You said softly as you scanned your surroundings. You were trying your best not to worry, and the calmness of the forest helped the situation, but thinking about the fact that you were alone struck a match of fear in your heart. You took a deep breath. "I think this is the way we came.." You said softly.

You took another step forward but stopped short when the toe of your shoe hit and kicked a small item. You blinked before crouching down to look at it. The long grasses and flowers brushed at your thighs and sandaled feet.

Pushing aside a delicate babie daisy, you picked up the tiny object. You stood up with it, turning it around in your grasp. It was small in the palm of your hand and crinkled in your fingers.

A shiny pink wrappered candy.

You couldn't help but look around to see if there were any more, only to be met with the sight of more sunshine and grass. You looked back at the candy. Why was there a pink candy in the middle of a forest anyway?

You stifled a gasp and nearly jumped when you heard a rustle in the leaves. It could've simply been the breeze, but you were all of a sudden on edge. "Hello?" You asked unsurely. You turned around to try and face the source of the sound. "Hello?" You asked again.

You took a startled step back when a tall boy emerged from the tree line.

"Hello..?" You started again, but so soft this time that you could barely hear yourself. Your eyes were inexplicably drawn to the new person.

He was young, probably around your age, and he had the prettiest eyes, almost feather shaped and dark. Meanwhile, his skin was a smooth pale honey color and he had a nice little beauty mark on his chin, although a couple others were visible as well.

He didn't show much emotion besides a childish sort of curiosity as he watched you. His eyes shone and his lips were a soft sort of pink.

"Um.." You mumbled. You took a hesitant step forward and he took a step back. "Oh." You said softly. "Uh, who are you?"

The boy raised his eyebrows the tiniest bit and his lips parted. "Who are you?" He countered.

You faltered when you heard his voice. It was smooth and low and perfect in almost every way. He looked perfect in almost every way. You'd never met someone so beautiful.

Even so, "You don't go to the school in town..where do you come from?"

"I asked you."

"My name.." You stopped yourself as you felt the breeze pick up a little. You watched it blow strands of his soft hair across his face. He reached up a little to brush it aside. You frowned. "I don't know you, why should I tell you my name? You're a random boy from the forest."

He didn't answer to that, but his lips were still parted slightly in that endearing way. His gaze traveled you and your body until it met your closed fist. "That's my candy."

You looked down at your fist and unclenched it a little. When you checked, the candy was still intact and the wrapping still pink and shiny. "Oh. Do you want it back?" You looked up and held out your hand, offering it.

The pretty boy took a couple of steps forward before stopping two or so feet away from you. Both of you stood in silence, him watching you with all sorts of curiosity and you trying not to make eye contact.

"You can keep it." He finally mumbled. You looked up. "What?"

"My name is Nishimura Riki."

He wasn't looking at you. Instead, he'd turned and was walking back to the tree line.

You looked at Riki's retreating form, then at the candy, then back up. The third time you repeated the action, he was long gone. You looked back down at the candy and fiddle with it, twisting the edges a bit in your fingers.

You sighed and flopped down onto the flower scattered clearing. You took a fistful of grass but didn't tear it out of the ground, just held it and let it go after a moment. You placed your hands in your lap and cupped the candy in your fingers, making a little home for it in your grasp.

You frowned a tiny bit. "I'm still lost."

candy land; nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now